Wednesday 12 February 2014

Weekly update....

I've been getting slower in posting, mainly because there is no news to really write about and I dont' want to do too much repetition of stuff. I might try to do 1 main post weekly (Wednesday maybe) and then add in other posts as I see fit. With general waffle in between.

Eve has seen me do the usual rounds of PI /skill checks. Last weekend I gathered and sold off the PI from both mains. The PI income is supplemented by contracts being sold, data-core selling and Corp tax on mission bounty. The Corp wallet was well lined as a result.
This was used to refuel the POS and still have isk left over to help with it next time. I've not yet begun to have the real stockpile of fuel I want to have. The next few weeks will see that change.

As part of that process I have restarted to do my main alt's PI again. 
Despite his PI planets going through 2 corp's that I "dislike", goon's and suddenly ninja's.  
Yes it could be said that in allowing my taxed isk to be used to harm everything else around me, the profit on the test sell of the PI outweighed the tax I paid to them by a large amount. Not sure if I said that last time.  But better to pay a corp some isk so I can make 20 times that isk in profit.
I'll continue on this path until Gevlon's latest gambit can dislodge them.  Oddly enough the Goon/suddenly ninja POCO (COCO?) tax is 5% lower then the independent corp tax's used on the planets both my main's use.

My Null alt has been getting some good PI runs as well. The next opportunity to sell his gear/loot and P.I. I’ll let him keep the profits, this will fund a good chunk of his next skill books and gear upgrades.

My newly rejoined friend made the system move and we've been doing SOE lvl 4’s.
I gifted over an Iteron ( Epithal ) for PI hauling. Just another little part of the game he used to be big into. With luck it will get some old memories and he'll get some profit by getting back into it.
In doing missions with him on my second main and raise that toon's sec statues. This has also raised a lot of LP’s for the SOE, almost a 3rd of the way to getting the cruiser bpc. 


Last night he forgot to scoop his Mobile tractor unit and when he went back after mission handin but it was gone. :(

BF4 MP has stabilised and let me get into the game. It really has started to come into it’s own since I’ve been able to get some upgrades. I’ve started to go from a ratio of 1kill per 2deaths to an almost 50/50 score which is great to see. The odd time I'll do really well, getting a good feeling when getting multiple kills before being "slotted" myself. I think that is due to be doing more than just deathmatch games.
Some great kills include stabbing for dog tags by accident because I’m pressing too hard on the right thumb stick when turning and via the engineer rocket launcher 300m away … booom! Hehe.  I’m enjoying levelling up the carbine’s atm. Really starting to get to know the maps and my way around them as well as what and when to expect things during games.

Wow saw a lot of achi’s from old raid/heroics mainly to get more achi's to get more achi's that completed achi's that would give mounts, and a lot of plans for a lot more achi’s next weekend.  
With a ding to 90 I got to gear up my druid a bit more and ran the first of the raids raids this week. I also spent some gold to upgrade his gear / reforge and enchant etc.  

Once again Mr. Robot comes into it's own  to help doing that The timeless isles gear is not too bad looking on him. Nice to have a leather set rather than a mish mash of cloth and leather.
He (my druid) is also doing a lot to the farming and in general mining and jc’ing so am happy with him.

Like eve, wow saw a lot of tweaking and daily jobs done to the chars.  
I now have 5 90’s two mains and 3 alt’s. The main 90's are hunter/beastmaster and lock/destruction, the alt 90’s are mage/frost, paladin/tank & my new druid druid/Balance. When I say they are alts its that they are not the ones I am wanting to be 100% super geared as the best of the best etc... that’s the mains…  these “alts” have the timeless isles gear and whatever drops as they progress in raids ( just to unlock raids ) not after any specific gear/items.
That leaves my rogue and priest next in line to get levelled (they are mid 40’s), my death knight in the low 70’s and a panda monk at lvl 40. For the first time in a while I feel that I want to level them up as well… all of them … maybe even the monk before the DK….  lol
That feeling to level them seems to have replaced the "gear the 90's up" feeling.... I think I'm narrowing down the 90's to getting A "main".

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