Thursday 20 February 2014

Weekly update....

The last 7ish days have been a bit of a roller coaster, rain, bit of snow and lots of wind, hurricanes in general.
Lack of sleep has impacted my week as well, 12 hour days of work and travel just leave me feeling rebellious so a few hours of gaming usually end's in another 2 or 3 hours leading to the very early A.M. in the morning, leading to more lack of sleep, leading to a worse day, this effect has been spiralling downward.

The gaming week can be summed up as this:

Start with some wow action about 8PM, professional dailies/farming, mainly on the druid faff about on it for a bit that brings me to 9PM'ish. So if I haven't started BF4 (I usually have) I start it and start up Eve. 
My RL friend will usually be on by then and we fly through some missions….   
Somewhere in all that I "have" to do all the usual PI/POS and skill checks on the Eve character’s…. 

A lot of work for a dossing about with gaming!  
Too many games ... too many daily tasks with all these games.... I'd still like to finish off the latest Xcom game and do a bit on the old Rome Total War, to say the least.

I realise the problem... gaming or rather a lack of time to game in them properly. 
But the solution in my head isn't to stop gaming its to stop doing the job!!!! Mental note to self.... job = money = getting games..... must remember that.

Anyway enough complaining from me, here are the games:


The usual PI and skill checks are ongoing, as is updating jobs on the pos.
The usual bout of mission running for SOE has been going well.

In doing the POS stuff I took my main to update his contracts and added in a lot more.
Will see how that turns out. but every bit helps.

This was an NPC ship in one of the missions..... players need to get their hands on things like these... I like it.

I've also been checking into some alts and am finally getting the extra skills done that they needed, these will only take a week of so but the lesser of these alts will only last 2 day's, 3 more at the most.  
The training on the better lesser alt has seemed to extend on a few things… one had an initial skill training time of 3 days and has now gone to add an extra 8 weeks. I may not do it I might just do it… lol 
Looking at it last night while logged in and on eveHQ on the second screen was too tempting add in 3 hours here, 9 hours there, opens up another skill that helps etc , admittedly they / it does round out the skills. I also gave that character back a tempest. It was just sitting in the mains hanger doing nothing anyway, its worth a second look into doing the lvl 4’s. Last time was a disaster but this time with luck and some tactics, may turn out ok.... That alt has the skill q paused while the lesser lesser alt get a few day's.

My main alt's 6 month’s are almost up, I moved him onto the 3rd account to get the extra training and be usable. Also with just over a week to see the monument names be taken (all active accounts on the 1st of March will have the main SP character on that account named on the monument.) I'll keep the account going a little longer. The middle of March will see me either transfer him back to the main account; Or keep the account going. I will see what to do with the null alt then as they share the same account.
I had not planned to have a 3rd account, really not sure if I will transfer both chars so many conflicting

I also used the main alt in a tengu during the week to do some Lai Dai corp missions so that he can unlock the level 4 R&D agent. With a few more skills he will be able to farm the data-cores. So he is progressing.
One night was a real disaster ( caused by a ninja ) and saw my second main have to decline a mission to get passed it and a to also abandon a storyline mission as it was a courier mission to move 10,000m3 to a 0.3 sec system lol. Thankfully the main standings were not really that affected, more annoying than anything else. 
Overall I've done a good few missions with my RL friend. They have been mainly good and fast and went really well. Just 2 cases of ninja's, despite that I think he is really back into the game. Good to see and great to have someone in RL to chat about eve. And he mentioned bringing back his second account.... Nice!


Has been going well, levelling and gearing up has been a good motivator. Gearing up helps but also learning to really run and gun without aiming down the sites at close range is a must.

I've been multi-gaming a lot as I play BF4. Not having my full attention on has caused some matches to suffer … others were a blast… literally. 
Even being dead in a match  I'd leave it there, bring my attention back to playing some eve and then go back to BF4 and respawn… rinse and repeat lol 

One game saw me come upon a spawn point and kill a few ppl in a row… epic.

I've been making great progress on the assault class… engineer seems to be my favourite and it is maxed.. Still plenty to do with weapons etc. I tried the recon class and it was good. More to follow…

Here are some quick phone camera shots:
The usual loss....

A nice reverse tred starts.....

Levels and scores pick up......

The Domination games are really great.....



On wow I was mainly on as my druid, I did a lot of  farming and jc’ing with him and also the frist few raids.
Got a few drops. Nice neck piece and 2 trinkets, two cloaks one will be kept as a transmog. Funny how stuff that drops there can be lower than the timeless isles gear. 

My other half doesn't really do a lot of the dailies but she was hooked on the cloud serpent and got the mount and skill during the week!

I've been doing more daily profession stuff and and farming on a lot of the 90's now. Its building up.

I was surprised to see my hunter had done nothing with halfhill and the farm. Thinking I would go do the farming I logged in n he was on the isle of giants. I'd been there looking for the book to be able to tame dino pets. Before I did other stuff I decided to just kill a few dinomancers and go get the flight path, got the flight path an killed a few mobs, in looking out of interest by the fp at the colour of the dino’s there I killed one last mob and yes he dropped the book! I learned it and got my 3 dino’s, Rocky, RockyII and RockyIV … not Rocky III as naming conventions do not allow 3 of the same letter in a row!! 

Since dinging my druid I've found myself enjoying it more, I think its a combination of the jewel crafting/mining and a return to a druid. The first class I ever played.

I tend to be a little roleplaying with my characters in that I use mounts and pets that are akin to the class.
My druid has the new colour changing mount, but also the cenarian griffin, Primal green raptor and armani war bear as he is a troll and as pets he has the cute cute lil wild"boom"kin and a cute lil dino. Not that I do any RP or play as RP at all but I like my chars to be "uniform" if that word fits. The hog and ele are for transporting party members/selling stuff/repairs. Always handy and always on every character. 

Here is my Druids progress since he hit 90.

 And to finish things off a day or two ago I took down a rare mob I happened across.

 Nice. Maybe he is better than I thought.

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