Thursday 27 February 2014

The farming life.....

Just to expand a little on the Wow farming that has become a thing I'm into.

My druid is leading the charge with the other 90's I have either just starting out or about to get the second plot.

My Druid has unlocked 3 plots, gotten to a revered level of rep I think. The extra rep gained from buying the extra rep item (name of the item escapes me) from the Tillers quartermaster that doubles all other characters rep gain on that account isn't hurting.

Almost got all the plots!
Starting out.... Willing them to grow....
I think the ability to instantly transform into flight form is a great help and a great draw for me to stick with the druid. Some quests let you gather items while still in flight form and avoid the need to kill enemies to get to the item lol, even for farming ore nodes it saves so much time. In fact I love jumping off high cliffs and popping flight form, makes the character feel cool... maybe me as well ;-p

The only real reason for doing the farming and the fast pace of doing it is a combination of the handy druid and the ability to plant ore and motes of harmony which I hope will lessen the burdens on other professions and start making some real gold. When I get the rep to actualy do those things.

Also getting the tillers tabard for the druid and some goat mounts won't hurt either.
Otherwise on the druid I've only really been doing my druid in LFR, he has gotten some new items but I've not gone anywhere near Mr Robot to sort out his stats... Maybe once he has a few bits from the last 3 raids.... Then look into transmoging.

the new look.... must hide the cape....

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