Wednesday 26 February 2014

Null PI rethink.......

Having had time to rethink the redo of the P.I. on my null alt, I’ve changed what I want to do. I just need to recon and act if it looks good.

There is one system that has 3 lava planets. That would give ¾ of the Pi materials needed. The last quarter could be done on one plasma planet that would also combine all the elements into the end product. 
These two systems are also on the direct path I’d take to get out of null anyway, only the plasma planet is in a system that would be used by all as it is a main thoroughfare. Not a system that people would usually hang around in.

The down side is that I’d need to demolish my entire setup as it currently stands, and ship in another lava command centre. 

I’d like to get about 1 more week of income to make it feel like it was worthwhile.
These PI changes will have to wait until next weekend.

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