Thursday 10 April 2014

Dust 514.... Started....

So I did it, about this time last week, after my post on Dust 514 and before my lengthy afk, I went and bought a ps3, new from the store.  I used that voucher as well so that the reduced price from the shop was reduced further, so I spent €109. 

Once I got it home and had it setup there was an oh oh moment... the controller didnt' work. I tried the reset fix but that was a no go ... a return to the shop was needed.  They gave me a new one off the shelf.

One new controller later I was up and running. The PS3's wireless connection to my home network was working perfectly. It did a few updates as I found my way around the menu's, tweaking options as I went.

My previous registration for the Playstation Network gave me a head start and I got logged in and had Dust 514 already in my downloads waiting to be clicked on. The download of about 2.5 GB didn't take long. 
As I waited for it to download I decided to log into the Dust514 site with my PSN login. This let me create a character and redeem my 10th anniversary and pre purchase codes.

Within Dust I went through a few of the interactions needed to get some free items, it was a mini Aura intro tutorial. This intro was the opposite of the Eve tutorial it was too short and too quick it made me feel like I was missing things.

I had setup the PS3 with its composite+scart connection. I feel that the graphics suffered due to this.Although I only got to get once match done, it was all about familiarisation and getting used to the controller ( xbox is way more intuitive for me, the xbox controller feels a lot better in the hands  ).

Later I moved the PS3 to the main TV and used the composite directly to the tv, graphics were a bit better but still a bit 'blurred'. I tried tweaking options to remove and sharpen the image but this was not happening.
The bigger screen it was on now was not much help as it highlighted the "problems" more.... maybe I just need to get used to the look.  In comparison BF4 is crisp and clear. Dust is grainy. I don't think getting it setup on a HDMI cable will make a difference.

I got into a few more matches, My Kill to death ratio was about 2 to 1, better than I had with my latest BF4 starter experience.

BF4 is a true tweaked multiplayer shooter. Dust feels like it has a ways to go yet. For dust to add in a few other modes of "contract" like team or free for all deathmatch or objective based matches would only require a few tweaks and be faster paced, they would open up the game so much.
If Merc's are like Eggers then they should have no problem with throwing resources at any endeavour they want.... like random killing of 100 clones to get prestige.

There are a lot of things done well in Dust, the look and feel of the hud was good but the letterbox view give a very fish eye lens feel. Some have commented on this
The feel of the weapons so far has been great, very satisfying to fire.
The way the loadout/fits are done is good and as an Eve pilot very much the same as doing things for ships.
The way that microtransactions are setup in the market/store are also done well. I had to hold myself back from buying aurum to use to get items like the active/passive skill boosters. Thankfully I was able to get an active booster as part of the tutorial and will use it on a day I can get a good few games in.
The gaining of Skill points and then allocating them is also great, I'd love to see a version of this in Eve, or perhaps being allowed to buy skill points..... that's another wish.

Dust is hardcore just by being the way it is.... hard to put a finger on it....

So far I've played my matches with the controller, this will be changed to a mouse and keyboard as soon as I can get a permanent home for the ps3 with my pc etc. I'll need a ps3 to vga cable for a monitor etc to get things started. For now I'll remain with the controller.

While I was waiting for the controller to be replaced I took a browse a the second hand games on offer for the PS3. I might pick up one or two as they were all in the €10 - 12 price range. Maybe some metal gear games that I had missed out on.... time will tell.
also after the controller was fixed I added in a 500GB drive with the bent old member ship card trick. It is working perfectly.

At the moment I seem to have infinite sets of the starter gear in its variants ( 4 I think ). That's to be expected.
I've not messed about with the gear I've redeemed yet.
I have bought some items and gotten 50 sets or basic militia gear/fits.
I also seem to have 10 of 1 vehicle type and 5 of another, they are one more thing I have yet to mess about with.
I'm sticking with the starter gear, the weekend may see me use the militia gear if I feel I've gotten a good handle on the game and how to survive.

After doing a little digging about the web these blog posts are of interest:

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