Tuesday 29 April 2014

Mini update....

My dust skill points bonus has reset as I have been missing the daily login…. I dont' see myself getting 8 day's in a row again not even for one match. 
I'll let the skill points accumulate and some weekend get into it to see if having a mill or two extra SP helps. Guess I'll need more isk to buy skill books at that stage so that my be a driving force to play further. The keyboard and mouse test is still due...

In looking into getting my Minmatar alt something to do I downloaded a copy of the Minmatar epic arc guide by Jowen Datloran, his guides are great. As is this one.
I did the first mission as it was a simple handin that gives a reward of 6 mill and a bonus of 1 mill from a item I could have gotten in space but that I bought on the market for 150k - nice rewards.  I think if I do any more I'll have to get a main or a friend to pop along as well.....

Docking my main alt ove teh weekend I saw this sight…..

5 Little Nightmares all in a ..... cross

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