Friday 11 April 2014

Dust in my eye......

I played a few more rounds of Dust 514 last night.
I'm becoming more familiar with the menu's and options. As well as what to do with the skills/isk I'm getting.

The more I look at the on planet action the more the hud perspective seems to be like a helmet cam. It just has that feel to me... almost like im detached from whats going on... maybe its a clone thing....

I like the ingame voice, it gives a very mechwarrior feel to the proceedings.

Having said that I was getting good kill to death radtio's I must have jinxed it as that slid rapidly, getting my cloned backside handed to me a lot.  And for the first time I got to experience spawn point camping at two locations on the same map/match.

Making out whats what is becoming easier but it's still blurred and hampered by the way the game seems to add motion blur (or just has crappy resolution). If it was in HD even staying with its widescreen letterbox it would be a much more playable game. There is information on the net that 1080 HD image quality was due in the last patch. It was done as part of the Beta but was reduced in later stages. Such a pity. I'd like to play the game the way the vids show it.

On starting to know the game and the community, it seems that Dust's CPM is far more fragmented than Eve and it's CSM.

I'll keep hammering away at it and see what happens.

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