Monday 6 July 2015

Dust 514.... My Krin's Salvage Run

Greetings and salutations, I'm finally getting around to typing this up (Sunday night 5th/6th of July). Please forgive me if I cover some old ground in trying to encompass everything about this event and my experiences of it.

I decided my alt was the perfect character to take and complete the event goals. She may be Caldari but soon after creation I could see (from the freebie starter fits) that my playstyle was all Minmatar. Spray and pray if you will. It was that revelation that changed my main from using an SMG as a sidearm to now having a flaylock on almost every fit.

My main and alt with the current iteration of trading are unable to swap items so my main could not more easily gain the goals and pass on the SKIN reward to the alt.

The event was delayed by a day due to something internal to CCP.
On the first day of the event the game was affected by quiet a lot of lag, very late in the day. Maybe more so the start of the second day in the very very A.M. This prompted an unscheduled server restart on day 2 but CCP added on an extra day to the event to ease people from stressing too much. I am happy to say that despite the aggravation of long queue times and some slow game menu's I was relatively unaffected.

The 4 event goals are:
- Destroy 25 Installations
- 125 Kill Assists
- Hack 25 Primary Objectives
- 125 Enemy Kills

My alt and indeed all players would be able to gather up the kill and kill assist goals just by joining matches even if they had to push hard and grind matches.

The other objectives would me more problematic (at least for my alt).
As my alt has a low skill count (3.5 Million SP) it makes it harder to match up against the vast bulk of other players, all vying for the same limited objectives in game. There are only so many turrets that can be killed and a higher SP character in a HAV (tank) is going to get and kill more than my alt on her two legs with a swarm launcher. This fact made my time in matches very skewed in regards to actual activities in matches. Regardless of the type of match I might see an opportunity to get an installation kill and play no part in a match win where hacking was the main aim of the game etc.
Despite all that I decided that getting the lesser of two evils done first was optimal, getting the 25 Destroyed Installations. Next after that would be the Primary objective Hacks. I figured that with getting those done I'd be getting the kill and kill assists anyway and wouldn't have to aim for them until really needed at the end.
So with the event on and time a'tick'in I set my main focus on getting my main a quick one win for the daily "one win one strongbox key" a.s.a.p and then moving directly on to my alt and it's "goals" grind.

I did activate a 1 day SP boost for my alt for day one.
All matches are Public matches.

K=Kills, KA=Kill Assist, D= Deaths, SP = Skill Points


Type                    K      KA      D           ISK          SP          Notes
Domination         12       7          4         226576     10335      Win on clones
Domination         3         2         10        224092      6477       Loss, was Protostomped but got 3 turret kills
Domination         0         0          1         118960      3745       Win, Late entry, 1 turret kill
Domination         2         3          6          93363       3311       Win
Domination         7         4          6         157052      9211       Win
Domination         1         0          5          42757       2560       Loss
Domination         5         7          7         219086     11196      Win

Running Totals    4/25  -  23/125  -  2/25  -  30/125

Domination         -           -         -                                          Protostomped and left match
Domination         1          4        11        149585      7645      Defeat - Protostomped
Domination         1          2         8          96633       7045      Defeat - Protostomped

Changed matches to include Skirmish mode, my usual game play had this mode turned off.

Domination        0          3         12         96670       7818      Defeat - Protostomped
Skirmish            2          1          9          89286        8005     Defeat
Domination        1          3          6         101374      5848      Win

Running Totals    8/25  -  36/125  -  4/25  -  35/125

Skirmish            3          1          15        79567       4857      Win but got protostomped on
Domination         -           -         -                                          Left match
Domination        2          0          2                                         Defeat - Protostomped

Running Totals    11/25  -  37/125  -  4/25  -  40/125

Domination        0          0          4         132295      3399      Win
Domination        0          3          7         179821      5079      Win

Dc'ing/Long queue times/Menu slow loading got too much so ended matches.

End of day running totals
13/25    - Installations Destroyed
40/125  - Kill Assists
4/25      - Primary Hacks
40/125  - Kills

Main on Day 1
Acquisition         3          5         7          197261      5798     Win

Day 2

Server was down before the usual downtime but was back up about 5 minutes later.
Menu's were still getting stuck loading. Got dc'd many times. Same problems after the usual downtime.
Didn't try again for a few hours.

Type                    K      KA      D           ISK          SP          Notes
Domination           1        4        3          143013      3412       Win
Domination           3        8        5          187595      5724       Win
Domination           0        2        7          135574      3930       Win
Domination           2        2        9           79522       4766       Defeat
Domination           0        5        5           74199       4522       Win
Domination           0        1        3          203067       5437      Win
Domination           0        1        5           55989        3452      Defeat

Running Totals    18/25  -  63/125  -  7/25  -  46/125
16:35 Emergency restart message. Left it for a "while".

Domination           4        3       10         79056         4916       Win
Domination           4        6        6         141564        4858       Win
Domination           6        8        4         181829        6368       Win
Domination           0        3        6           40621        3118       Defeat - Protostomped
Domination           0        0        5           12623           0          Defeat - Redlined
                                                                                              - Protostomped - Went Semi AFK
Domination           2        8       10          65728         4314      Defeat - Protostomped
Domination           4        6       13         157571        6329      Defeat - Protostomped
Domination           -         -         -                                           Left game
Domination           2        0         7          61873         3096      Defeat - Protostomped
Running Totals    18/25  -  97/125  -  7/25  -  68/125

18/25    - Installations Destroyed
97/125  - Kill Assists
7/25      - Primary Hacks
68/125  - Kills

Main on Day2

Type                    K      KA      D           ISK          SP          Notes
Acquisition           3        2         2          55607      2351        Defeat - Joined mid game.
Domination           3        6         2        145679      4233        Win
Domination           9        8         9        178890      9756        Defeat

Day 3

Type                    K      KA      D           ISK          SP          Notes
Domination          0        2         1          59761      1608         Win

News of an extra day announced.

Domination          3        2         7          104126    5133         Win
Domination          2        0         5          190738    3029         Win
Skirmish              0         1        2          107627     4958        Defeat
Ambush              1          1        1           56985     1287         Defeat, Joined end of match

Running Totals    18/25  -  99/125  -  10/25  -  74/125

Domination          6          6       8          138395     7484        Defeat
Domination          3          2       7           56808      4061        Defeat

Running Totals    18/25  -  111/125  -  10/25  -  83/125

Domination          1          1       3          120620     2713        Win
Domination         13         7       6          167333     8984         Defeat
Domination          2          0       7           69819      3941         Defeat
Acquisition          2          0        1          134442        0           Win (semi AFK due to phone)

Running Totals    23/25  -  119/125  -  10/25  -  101/125

Skirmish              4          4       10         100158   6263          Defeat
Domination          7          3        3          247751   7771          Win
Domination          2          3        8          175619   6335          Win

Running Totals    25/25  -  125/125  -  13/25  -  114/125

Acquisition           0          4        1         147943     2625         Win
Skirmish               1          1        5          83369     3079          Win
Skirmish               8          3        8         180321    8662          Defeat
Ambush                0          0        2          64410        0            Win, Joined endgame
Skirmish               2          1        13         50317    3547          Defeat

Running Totals    25/25  -  125/125  -  19/25  -  125/125

???????                -           -        -                                           Redlined so left match
Domination           2           0       1           67159     1942         Defeat, joined endgame

Changed match modes to only be Skirmish mode.
Very A.M. but with a few primary hacks left to get decided to push on.

Skirmish               4           1        7         177266     4751        Defeat
Skirmish               3           1        8         177638     3581        Defeat - redlined
Skirmish               0           1        5           8491          0           Defeat - redlined - semiafk
Skirmish               0           1        3         117818     2515        Defeat -joined mid match
                                                                                                - redlined - protostomped
Skirmish               4           0        6         152085     4352        Defeat - protostomped

Unlocked lockboxes - 1 reward was a BPO for the 'Brutor' Logi M-1 suit

Skirmish               3           0        8          64810      3676        Defeat - protostomped
Skirmish               1           2        4          87636      5495        Defeat
Skirmish               4           1        7         129744     3791        Win

Running Totals    25/25  -  125/125  -  25/25  -  125/125

25/25    - Installations Destroyed
125/125  - Kill Assists
25/25      - Primary Hacks
125/125  - Kills

Main on Day2

Type                    K      KA      D           ISK          SP          Notes
Domination          10       5        4         201965      6819        Win

Wow that was a hard push and sleep was deprived a little, but in the end it was worth getting it done sooner rather than later.

I did notice a lot of player interaction that had changed due to the event. The likes of some shotgun in your back shooting opponents would let you get the hack done and then shoot you in the back, let your hack succeed and then hack it themselves, nice but deceptive in it's "community" spirit. All very self serving.  I know I did some waiting before opening fire myself. Moreso the waiting for hacks to complete then stopping them. Skirmish matches with their 5 primary hacks were more fun for this.
I can say that there was some understanding between some individuals and helping each other as much as enemies can. I can also say that I saw the exact opposite with team members seeing you destroy an installation with maybe 5% structure and they fupin go up and hack it before you can get the last missile in to kill it. Frustrating stuff for all involved.
I've not seen anything like it since pvp in wow where in order to win the Alterec Valley pvp match faster the entire teams would ride straight passed each other in order to get to the first objectives faster. Funny but true. Not quiet the same here but something close. Maybe next time CCP won't have daily missions for installation capture that conflict with a weekly event that needs them destroyed. It would ease things at least.
As the week goes on and the end is near I can see there will be less "thought" from other players in getting the goals completed for those they see around them. Maybe that will both help and hinder some people.

On an up up side I did get to refine my alt and to a lesser extent my mains fits, upgrading some skills to compliment the swarm launchers for both characters.

The main difference with changing characters was unsurprisingly going from my alt to my main. The amount of survivability as well as being able to fire and damage things really shows up the sp gap between them.
My main is now on 17.7 Million SP. Those extra 14.2 Million SP really do add up.
The close calls and the could have beens all seem to be remembered as as mental win, it was just that OP team, a split second that could have been... It brings you back for more, even on a lower SP alt.

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