Tuesday 28 July 2015

My Eve Online.... Update

Eve game play has been pretty uneventful and "normal" for me.

On all my characters I did sell all of their accumulated implants. This did indeed net a pretty penny. There were some very shiny implants including a lot of the gifted implant sets. Most of that isk went to buying the plex's I used to add more training time to my alts.
Both of my mains are training up as usual and doing hi-Sec P.I.
I've been clearing and sorting ships and gear. Again checking fits as I went. Nothing really unusual but I was left with a few extra fitted ships on my primary main. All PVE fit, a Hawk, Hookbill, Buzzard, Osprey (Stable Logi Fit), Drake and a Dominix. I again have that feeling to go do something useful pve wise with them.... I'll suppress that for as long as I can.
My primary Alt as well as both my Amarrian and Minmatar based alts are doing pretty much the same, hi-sec P.I. and training away. Once the training is done I can look into getting them doing things where they can leave their better implant clones behind and see about living more dangerously. For now they are also doing some missioning and site scanning, again nothing heavy at all.

My Nullsec alt is by far the character with the most logged in time. Maybe not the most or best game play but definitely the most logged in time. Soooooooo much time is wasted with waiting for an opportune moment. Mainly with moving ships and items around.
Lately I've fallen out of love with the current area of Null. The alliance is imo spread too thin over too much space. Maybe it is just the summer but the amount of blues and blue activity has sunk while the number of reds randomly roaming around is so high that it feels like I'm the red in their space.
The new sov system is not helping to band the corp or alliance members together. As an example of this the alliance POS Jump Bridges have been unfueled for the last two weeks despite the amount of moaning about it there was only recently an alliance mining op suggested for this weekend. That's a long time to get things sorted on an important infrastructure "convenience" never mind it's strategic use. They haven't even bothered to use the excuse that they need people doing things in every system due to Fossie Sov. Or that they want ppl in every system to gang up and defend using it as a motivator.
Even pvp defencive fleets and gangs are very cliquey, non announced and the intel in channels is very spotty so much so that I usually (in clean clone pod) jump ahead before I can move stuff about.
There is just plain apathy for everything at the moment. This has been happening for a while and maybe it is just the summer lull. But it sucks.
Over all my game play has been whittled down to selling items that I have remaining on the market with a little ratting on the side. Whatever brings better isk in faster.

I've either sold up ships and gear or moved them out to hi-sec. What I have left in Null is really small in comparison to what I once had. I sold off my ratting Drake as the Caracal is much faster and can tank just as well. It also has the virtue of being a lot easier to replace if it does get exploded.

The main isk making activities are:

Ratting in a Caracal....

Mining in a Procurer....

P.I. is still the main earner....

The last time I did a clear out and move out to hi-sec was when the alliance moved within null and although I have made a good go of this new area it is a shadow of my former setup and now I've made it an even more shimmed down version. This was done to make it more intense on isk in the wallet rather than having it wrapped up in the market or with assets in Null (that I wasn't really using). With better assets all safe in hi-sec.
I still have a massive lot of fitted (shitfit) frigs and destroyers that I can use for pvp. But I really don't want to switch out to a blank clean clone for pvp that often. So much training time is lost when moving from a +3 clone to a clean clone it's not funny. Change from a clean clone to a +3 implant clone changes his skill queue time from 211 Days 17 Hours into 186 Days 4 Hours. That to me is a plex in the difference and I don't want to waste it. The carebear in me is strong.

There have been a few posts online about getting rid or keeping the character attributes, worth a read (here and here). I think it would be good to remove the option of them on a character and just give all players a general benefit/buff instead. Implants is the real tricky question.

I've been thinking of getting a character into wormholes again. And found these two interesting. (here and here)

The interesting Eve news is still ongoing, I wonder where it is leading....

And I like the new medium citadel, it does look a tiny bit bigger than a "medium" tho....

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