Sunday 19 July 2015

Wow gaming....

I am left with a little over 5 weeks of game time on my wow account and stuck in a mire of quandary's.

The guild/friends on my main realm are great but the more I do on one character the more I feel the need to get the other alts up to a similar standard.

During the week I went onto all my other characters across all the other realms and "tweaked" their gear to match the updates to the heirlooms as well as transmog those heirlooms.

There is so much unplayed potential and game play experiences. There is a lot I've not seen an angle on regarding the alliance side these day's. So I spent more time with my old main realm on that side. In doing so I levelled up my very first wow character that final few levels to get him into Dreanor. My wife has a level 100 alliance character and helped with some minor boosting.

But once in the starter garrison I was left feeling flat, I already have a level 91 Druid on my main Horde realm so why grind up an other on a realm that is essentially dead when I can nose around her garrison to see what a level 3 Alliance side looks like (no spending gold on upgrades just to see graphics).

Maybe it really is about who you play with. If that is the case I should be levelling an alliance warrior on the same realm as her level 100 instead of complicating things by cross realm commands to group up.
That leads to the why level a warrior there when I really should be levelling my horde warrior that is 20 levels lower than the Alliance version. Again it all comes down to the game play and who it is with. She had no character the same level on the alliance that would be a levelling buddy so why not just get back to the main realm and hammer away on the characters there and all that that entails. So I did.

But..... always a but..... My main hunter is powering along and geared well, but I need to really spend time to finish off the legendary quest line and get his dock really up to scratch.
My Warlock is a slightly better ilevel than my kick ass hunter but fails miserably on the dps front thanks to Blizzard breaking locks and leaving him broken and alone on the garrison floor. he needs more work on the legendary quest line and get his dock up to scratch as well.
But my third "main", Pally tank (really new) needs to get geared up, finish heroics, move on to getting purple gear, start being a raiding tank, get his dock, get his legendary quest line to a mid point.

But then there is the 91 Rogue/Mage/Monk/Druid/Death Knight and 92 Priest I want to level up to 100 to start the process all over again of garrison/gear/quest lines and docks.

I am completely ignoring all the things you can do in the new area from the last patch, especially for dailies and rep grinding. Sod flying.... for now. I really can't see myself grinding enough to get that done despite the mounts and pets etc that you can get once you have the reputation.

My warrior of level 37 is at least retro fun when levelling.
I did have another hunter at level 20 but I deleted him in favour of starting a shammy again but that shammy is still level 1 and has never done a quest.... literally just created.

So it's a game that currently feeds my brain's latent ADD/OCD needs while wasting vast amounts of time doing so. I'm an addict and I can't say no even though I really want to I keep coming back for more punishment.
There is really too much to do at the upper end even on one character. But that is what keeps most people gaming in wow. And it's not the only game to be like this.
There were some good comments in this video from Brent Justice regarding the latest patch for STO, like the last patch that came out for wow it is new and long....
Eve is a bigger non-liner sandbox that allows so much more than wow and I dont' have a quarter of the same problems there even with the patches and so many changes happening these day's.

In the end it's all my own fault/problem with what I do in wow and how I do it.

Maybe I should just go with my main hunter and sod the rest, sticking to pvp game play and gearing up that way (like the old day's) while doing noting but pet battles while I wait for matches. But that would be a longer term "thing".
Either way 5 weeks isn't enough time to get a lot done so I'll end up faffing about and getting what I can completed (time permitting) before handing all my mats/gold/stuffs to a little mage goblin to keep all for herself and my game time counts out.

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