Monday 13 July 2015

Gameplay update....

Ahoy! Gaming has been as usual "ongoing", it's a hobby that covers a lot of ground in a lot of area's, especially for a carebear like me, not a single pigeon hole in sight. Got to stick my finger in all the pigeon pies!

Rome Total war has had some more gamplay in a return to a late game save I've had.

I'm really enjoying where my Empire is (the green). Cities well developed, internal and border defensive forts at choke-points, commanders well placed and the economy pooling gold. All is well in the Empire.
Outside the empire the other two Roman factions are at war with me but one is a passive war (red) and the other is active (blue) but taking some time to amass armies that once unleashed will hammer my own in the east in what will be a huge series of battles. I look forward it. My main up to date armies are waiting for that hammer blow.
There are 4 other factions that are not at war with me and hold no immediate interest. The one other Iberian faction (west light brown) is my current active war outside my "boarders" and holds much of my obsolete military units in a to and fro wrecking of cities, armies, lands and more 'fun' fro the sake of it then for conquest.
I might see about uploading a video of a battle....

Dust 514 after the last event has seen me back to the usual War barge item collection (less the lab weapons) and the one win/one key reward daily. Mixed in with some suit fitting tests and checks. But not much gameplay outside of that. The last week long event was a borderline burnout for me so I'm easing back for awhile. A change to the less intense (severe?) BF4 might be in order... for a vacation ;-p

I've had a pang or two to play Battlefield 4 again on my Xbox 360, that will mean buying Xbox Gold time. Getting that might not be a waste if I do end up getting an Xbox One at Chimbo as it will cross over.
No for now but if that 'need' to return to it gets stronger I might just start it back up. There are the freebie games to consider with a gold account as well....

Eve Online is always a constant and reading up online Eve Hermit (big shout out to him, another legend online that is one of my must read blogs) has some new posts up worth a read, two on solo exploration and another on the new sov changes. This last entry is much like my own view, even with an alt in a null sov holding alliance I am really not in tune with what the changes will really mean, especially in a big picture view. The video he linked is of much interest in what can be done with a little to tie up a lot of people.

The only real impact that it has had on me is that there are troll ceptors during my night time that I dont' see but who do fill my mailbox.

The alliance does seem to have things handled well in that things go on/disabled/off etc and are then defended and enabled again. I dont' see any real changes for me when this new sov hits but then again maybe this is the calm before the storm. Time will tell.

The next patch for Eve is not far off and the changes to sov will be of interest in the shakeup of Sov. With luck it will provide content but the reading is "heavy" when considering it's good and bad implications of various lifestyles within the game.
I am really liking the idea of a pve fleet section of maintaining your null index..... Maybe a way of making people fleet up for these "bigger" anoms rather then go solo. I dont' usually like this site and take what I read with a bucket of salt but this article is interesting. Again it's all up in the are until the patch hits and reality hits with it.

I'm a gamer that can happily sit and plug away at a game that doesn't change, Rome total war is a good example of that. Not to mention the single player pause element. But there is a constant need for mmo's to change and update and keep changing and updating that I find annoying, that's just me. Change can be good, change can lead to great improvements but only if it lets the gameplay on a day to day basis last. Eve is now more so than ever in constant change or maybe flux is a better word, so many changes to so many elements at once. Maybe they need to slow down a little and actually deliver a big feature and not just big changes. 

Elsewhere in Eve my other Mains and Alts are plugging away with the usual assortment of PI, hi sec carebearing.
Both my main mains used their iskies buildup to buy 6 plexes to extend the training on my alts. The bulk of which should see them be more rounded in skills as well as get a bit more specific in their own areas of expertise.  
Both of my mains are Caldari and are mainly based around those ships as well as being diversified. My main alt is the same. My other two alts are based around their race, Amarr and Minmatar. The other alt is my null sec alt who is Caldari but it makes sense in my a.d.d world that he should be based more around the Gallente side of things. So his Hi-sec gear is now all based like that. Ships and gear were sold and traded between the other characters, markets etc. This has made the null alt my Gallente alt as well... even if he was born Caldari. :)
I'm sure that there are players in Eve that after reading that last paragraph will be in total disbelief at how I play my game of Eve, the best thing is that Eve does allow for it.
Skills wise my new Gallente/Null alt needs to train up more gunnery skills and finish up a few Tech II ship skills to be "complete".

Life for my Gall/null alt is bound around mining for production. Producing more transport ships and certain modules. It's a very limited version of what I had in my old market setup but it is now bringing in the iskies. Thankfully P.I. is still the best earner, But after getting it setup and working again things have started to stagger, it's my own fault trying to produce too much through micromanagement and I had to dial it back and get back to basics. More time is needed on both the market and PI sides with the mining and production keeping me busy. Ratting is taking a back burner but I have to say that my recently refitted "backup" ratting Caracal seems to tear through the rat faster than my drake.... Lots more faffing testing to be done....

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