Tuesday 12 April 2016

Euro Truck Simulator 2....?

While in our local Gamestop my wife spotted a game on the bargain shelf, nudged me and laughed as she pointed to it. I made the silly comment of "I'd get that for the sheer randomness of getting it.". The shopping went on and when we got home she left that game on my keyboard. I was surprised.

The back story to that little tale revolves around my viewing a lot of game streamers of late. Gamers playing games that I wouldn't necessarily be interested in playing myself but are in themselves entertaining viewing, mainly due to the people playing them.

The game as you can tell by the title of this post is Euro Truck Simulator 2.
The streamer I had been watching in the game was Unit Lost.

I think the last time I played a dedicated simulation was form a disk I picked up in the early 90's from a car boot sale that held a game called Southern Belle. A train simulation for the commodore 64. I don't think I played it more than once......

ETS2 is a much better game. I've played the game for a few "trips" and I've enjoyed it. It's completely random from what I normally play and that in itself is refreshing. I don't know how much longer I'll play if but I know that I'll probably get more enjoyment from it.

There seems to be no better truck sim out there, here are some 2013 review's:

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