Friday 22 April 2016

Eve Online Fanfest Day 1 thoughts....

I may be late to the party with getting my thoughts about day one onto the web but I've had better things to be doing. Not that I was unimpressed with Day 1. Even with it's tech difficulties and me hitting the mute button and doing other things with the bulk of the "show" but lately I've been very much in the mind of..... MMO's = Meh. I've been questioning the value of what I've been investing in across all my pure online games. It's not like I can do another blast from the past blog and fire up an MMO I play today. So that makes me question the value of the games. They are very current enjoyment in value but don't have an "always have" option. I'm sure there are the arguments like "Eve: Forever" but even in Eve's EULA CCP owns your account/characters and all items. Not that any MMO I've played will ever have an offline mode.... But I'll stop waffling on and get down to the real reason of this blog. Day 1 of Fanfest.

In no particular order:

I was surprised that they were talking about Eve Valkyrie as being a Beta game. I thought it was "done" and being packaged with devices as a "game" not a "in beta".

Hilmar yet again raised his dream link of the TQ and Serenity servers. I'm sure it's a nice pipe dream but I doubt the paranoid Chinese government will allow anything like it. Especially considering the propaganda they are currently promoting against red haired foreigners whisking state workers off their feet and getting secrets from them, “National Security Education Day” is real.
If this link does happen I think it would be a great alternate reality to see.

I was semi cursing CCP when Hilmar briefly mentioned a thanks to Dust 514 players etc and said that CCP had learned a lot. TO myself I was thinking yea thanks for being a guinea pig. But I was pleasantly surprised when Project Nova, Dust's 2.0 was announced. And from the footage that I've seen I am really amazed that it both looks great and feels and looks like the original game. That has lead me to thinking that my characters and gear may get transferred over yet! I can hope and dream. It really looks like Project Nova will deliver on being a dust upgrade but time will really tell. At least it will be free to play. Eve News 24 talks about it.

In the presentations I noticed a lot of the promo trailers/footage had the look and feel of Star Citizen's footage. Especially the way that the characters look out from the trailers in an awe inspired kind of way. But CCP I think did that on purpose so that the main trailer for Citadel would have a greater impact, It's the second half of that trailer that literally blows the Star Citizen out of the trailer and shows the real difference that Eve brings. I may be a casual PVE carebear but that second half of the trailer had be laughing my ass off.

The New CSM seems to be made up of the null groups. Pity there was a low turnout for voters. I dont' know what to expect from it but I do hope that CCP keeps a more considered and level head that both listens to focus groups as much as the CSM, if they listen at all.
Over all the last year had a lot of ups and downs for the outgoing CSM. Sugar Kyle has a good post up to semi finalise things. As a casual carebear at least with the last CSM I felt my interests were covered by a few of it's members, not so with this new group. Given the way CCP is taking Eve I doubt they will be so unhappy about that.

like most other MMO's Eve finally gets an proper in game birthday celebration. This year May 6th will see Eve Online turn 13 and players will get the usual gifts of firework launchers nad fireworks but also a new pod skin.... although they do say SKINs so being plural I can see the monetization of pod SKINs is here. Pity they don't do a per character gift....

Other bloggers have been posting about their thoughts on day 1 and are well worth a read as they have good links and images to take in all the sites.: 

The official day 1 link isn't too bad to catchup with.

CCP can have it's ups and downs both with content and technical issues (streaming, camera's and sound) but with Day two's stream just started I've already hit the mute button. And the stream looks to be having streaming issues.... roll on the big presentations as I'm hating the filler content.

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