Sunday 10 April 2016

Whats the worst that could happen....

That blog title has thankfully nothing to do with real life, it is often quoted back to me by my wife and a good friend when I suggest a new game to try. You see I got them hooked into warcraft for years with that one little line.  "Go on, the trial is free. Give it a go, whats the worst that could happen....".

One game I can't get any friends to play (and stay in game) has been Eve Online. No matter what I try. Even suggesting to split or fully give the recruitment reward (PLEX) I would get. One or two may try the trial but never admit to it.... Maybe I'm pushing it to hard.

Anyway as part of the hard sell intro to Eve Online and explaining about the game I usually get to link a few or the official trailers and video's. 
There are lots of good ones in my opinion, even if the vets and gamers of Eve would trash almost all of them. But these are the ones I really enjoy. Some may have dated graphics but the essence of Eve is true in them. And even if I have waffled on about them in other posts I thought I'd whittle down some of the best to repost....

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