Thursday 21 April 2016

My Star Trek Online Update....

With the new season and patch out for STO I did take a look at the new featured episode (mission). It's along the lines of what they usually present but it was much shorter and I think better for it.
It was a big patch
And the patch got patched
Having said that it is about time travel and that old chestnut is wearing thin as a story based mission series. It's been done far too much before and I really didn't want to see it again. The last featured episode was almost exactly the same thing. Travel in time, go to conference, catch bad guys. They could have done something else.

The main big thing for this patch was the redo of the skills system. And I'm glad to say that it's not as complex as I thought it would be. My character had enough points to take in a lot of Tactical skills (he is a tactical character) and some others to help with dps, shield and hull regen. But as its early day's I'm sure it will take a while to get a "perfect" build from the community. I did exchange some dilithium for Zen and bought a retrain skill token at the expansion promotional -40% price. I'll use that once there is a consensus on what skill builds are best.
The only think about the skill token is that it isnt' a token any more. Instead of having an item to use, it now only allows a skill reset button to be clickable. That can be misleading. If you were to buy two I don't think there is any way to hold a second one as there is no reset token counter.

My current Space skills
My current Ground skills
I've not touched on the specialisation points in either primary or secondary stats.
So with both ground and space skills set on a loose new understanding of the system I've found my character a lot more powerful in space and on ground. The featured episode was on par with what I've seen from youtubers that tried the mission with their "main" characters with paid items. If it is the great levelling of the play field then I'm all for it. If I was a paid user of STO then I'd be feeling cheated. Maybe I'm reading more into that than there really is.

Even with spending to buy Zen my character is still in my view wealthy. More than ever before.

I'm still doing the daily duty officer missions as well as the admiralty fleet missions, including the new Romulan set. So between them and the Exchange (auction house), they are the real money makers for me. I might see about spending time to finish off the last mission chain and have them all marked as "complete".
In reshuffling stats etc I found a ground crew member that had the ability to get gold-pressed latinum from killing npc characters in missions. So I used him to fill an empty gap in the ground roster, better than nothing.

STO has a lot to offer and the game is getting better.

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