Monday 11 April 2016

My Star Trek Online Update....

I've not changed much since I last posted about STO. I'm doing the usual daily officer and fleet missions. Selling some stuff on the exchange and amassing both EC and Dilithium.

Last week saw First contact day marked with a free duty officer for all characters to claim. I love freebies. I just wish there was a more in my face way of letting me know there was free stuff to claim. I've missed out of stuff in the past. I'm just glad I spotted it before the time was up.

Tomorrow see's the release of the next mid season expansion. I'm glad that they have gone for the twice a year release. It allows them to freshen the game in a major way. The new season really does change a lot for the better. Least of which is the new revamp of the skill system.
That new system on top of the usual new episode to play and get rewards from is what tops my immediate list.
Full expansion details are listed on the official site, and a good video was done by Brent Justice about the expansion, it's details and talking about the changes, well worth a watch.

The trailer for the expansion answers and provokes questions as to what is ahead, with luck some of those questions will be answered.

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