Thursday 3 November 2016

Eve Online.... My New pre Alpha's.... pt6

I've not been doing much on my pre-Alpha clones. What time I did spend was mainly doing a standings/pve content grind with a mix of P.I. maintenance on my "PVE" character.
I've again completely ignored the 'PVP' clone. His time will come and will be done more so when Alpha's are in the game. Once they are I think there will be more of an opportunity to join other players as an under geared/skilled pilot. I think there will be a lot more acceptance of that type of limited character. I've spent a good bit of time in null and I know that if anything T1 is roaming solo they are as good as dead. All other null solo roamers today for the most part are in expensive ships and fits. Not to mention that those pilots intend to loose those expensive ships. I've seen a skilled T2 Wolf pilot giving the run around to a T1 fleet of 20 frigs/destroyers and cruisers all the while picking off stray ships and smack talking in local. It was fun to see but really really bad to have been a part of (fingers of blame where everywhere, even during that prolonged 'fight').

Back to my missioning alt, he has hit a top wallet balance of just over 70 million twice, but both times were followed by splashing out and spending(ships, SKIN's, modules, rigs, deployables, bpc's, bpo's, etc...). 
Part of me still thinks I'm getting a free Gnosis when the expansion hits. Thinking so I went out and got a Moa and it's fit to test out another Caldari cruiser with the level 3 missions.
I'm not happy with it. Range on the weapons is lack lustre. In trying to get into range, kill the npc's and then warp out I did stray into armour a good few times. Thankfully the system did have a 'freeport' citadel so I was able to get free reps.
Even with a drone bay for 3 light's it was only with this ship that I lost all three in quick succession first time out. Loosing T1 drones wouldn't have been bad at all but the ones I was using were the integrated versions and the same cost as tech 2's. Sad to have lost my first drones with this new ship.
I think I'll be selling it off and getting a second Caracal to use with a jump clone to avoid the 20 or so jumps between the Caldari Navy and SOE agents I have been using.

The ship list for this character with 2 million SP is maxed out for what an Alpha clone can use and has been for a while. the idea that it's the other non ship specific 'core' skills or fitting skills that really make you able to fly a ship is a lot more pronounced and visible in performance as an Alpha.
If the expansion release doesn't grant a Gnosis for this character I'll be grinding a little further to get one. I then use it and stick with being overpowered in level 3's.
Once the alpha's hit I foresee my future isk accumulation coming from missioning. Besides combat missions, solo I feel it would be faster to do distribution missions as well as maybe mining are a lot more approachable and doable. Maybe even at level 4.
Granted all of those may be a longer grind to get LP to use on store items for sale rather than use.
I am looking forward to seeing what Alpha corp's form and if alpha's will band together in Gnosis's's's's's's's's to do level 4's.

I've been mindful to avoid adverse faction standings when doing missions.

With access to level 4 Cardari Navy missions, I moved onto the SOE and I'm almost at level 4's with them. Once done I'll look into R&D agents but by the time I think the expansion will be out. I'll have to look up R&D access for Alpha's, they may not be able to farm datacore's.

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