Wednesday 16 November 2016

Ubisoft 30....

I was glad to see the first two games when they came out for free from Ubisoft. They were games I had purchased on their original release PoP-SoT on PC and Splinter Cell on Xbox(yes the original console and game). 
Ubi may be promoting free games that do take players down memory lane but for Ubi it's to get people to use their software instead of steam.
All in all the more free games the better, not just from the nostalgia angle but good games are good games, even if revisited for a short moment or two. 

This month it's the Far Cry 3, stand-alone retro 80's futuristic Terminator meets Tron expansion.
It's clichéd, over the top fun. It's had me laughing so much in the opening few minutes I have to recommend it.... plus... its FREE! I now regret overlooking this game when it came out first.

After playing it I now have a need to go watch Predator & Terminator.

Only one more to claim when its out in December.

Even if your not a PC gamer Blood Dragon is now also available free on the Xbox's 'Games with Gold' subscription.

So I'll be claiming it there are well.  I love having so many 360 games on the Xbox one.

Have a look :

theRadBrad Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - No Time To Bleed - Mission 1 

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