Monday 28 November 2016


I've been playing a fair amount of Planetbase, (currently 30% off on steam).
Sticking with my first base despite several disastrous events. Events mainly of my own doing as well as some natural events that can be unlucky like an asteroid impacting on a dorm full of sleeping colonists.

A small event tends to cascade in failure with this game. If you expand your base too far too fast you'll see your lack of engineers come to the fore when you need a new water extractor a.s.a.p.
Even if you mark it as a priority build your resources are now spread out in unfinished buildings. So while you wait for more resources to be extracted/created and then processed, your water reserves are flowing away. Next thing you know your out of water. No water means that your biodomes and food production is degrading but more importantly no water means no fuel for oxygen creation. So with everything waiting on a few blocks of building materials and a free engineer to build the needed structure it's all gone to hell. With alarms and notifications popping up the last thing you need is for armed intruders.

But it's the joy of dragging your base and your people out of that kind of scenario that makes you want to strive forward. You learn from the experience, you see what went wrong and you change your base and priorities.

Looking back on my previous stages of my base makes me think how simple is looks in retrospect but how much challenge it was at the time.

There are many facets to this game. If you want to keep your base at a good level and purely trade to gain coins for the sake of it it's possible. If your base has enough prestige and you allow visitors to use your facilities they will pay for the privilege. Get a distress signal from a wayward ship that needs medical help you can do so. If that distress signal turns our to be false and intruders attack, you need to hit the red alert button and be glad you got that extra security guard.

There are a lot of in game awards to work towards. I think I'm due an award or two but they are not highlighted yet so maybe things are not as plain as they say they are....

You can tell a lot about a game by the music. I love the game and it's music fits it so well.

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