Wednesday 16 November 2016

Perplexing Pixels....

Perplexing pixels for CCP that is. With the expansion out after a weeks delay it seems that the expansion/sub rewards are going to be further delayed, release now set to be the 22nd.
There has been no reason for why there is a delay in awarding the internet pixels, there seems to have been ample time to get things worked out (9thSept & 7thNov).
Then again they gave expansion access to a twitch streamer and he broke the game, then they delay it a week. I've waffled on before about that.
Maybe time isn't the the key, but there is a common denominator, CCP.
Delays like this make me question the company. Make me question why I should pay a cent for a game or anything else they sell. I'm now sure more than ever they are doing this delay to keep people sub'd to the game. The 'offer' was active from the 16th of Sept, so if you subbed for it and did it till Nov as they asked then the rewards are going to arrive a week after your 2 month sub has gone inactive. Nice one CCP. So all I can think is 'cash grab'. If true its a such a lame thing to do and a way worse cash grab than offering the trinkets in the first place. I'm sure that the people that actually paid to get the rewards are not happy. I know I'm not happy and I didn't pay for a thing.

The more I type the more I ramble into an ongoing rant. I could go on for a while but I'm not going to waste the time.

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