Friday 25 November 2016

Eve Online.... My New pre Alpha's.... pt7

Both my pre-Alpha's are now proper Alpha's. They ran out of their full game time just after the 22nd. Which was handy as they both received the bulk of the rewards despite not spending a penny or having a payment process in place.

My PVE Caldari character has a larger skill list remaining to go through:

That time shown has now doubled as an Alpha has the -50% training speed.

I've not done much 'pve'. After fitting out the free Gnosis I tested it in a level 3. I was not impressed. Like all lower SP characters that reach into a greater tier of ships n fits, more SP is needed. I might wait until he has most of the other skills maxed out (for an alpha). Especially the drone skills.

So far I've found that the Distribution and mining missions are the best solo activities.

I'm still training my PVP Minmatar character, I've yet to try and get into faction warfare. The only thing I have done with him is to retrofit his ships with t2 items.

I'm in a bit of a quandary as to what to really do with these two characters. I may put them on the back burner again and micromanage my other characters. If I'm to do anything with them I need to do it sooner and in a corp that's not my usual choices...

I think SP/training time is hugely devalued. As the alpha skills are free and the time to train then in is unlimited, I've found myself not caring. Even with the limited queue length. I'll stick on a few short skills and a longer one, those may take 3 or 4 day's but I'll leave them to train and maybe come back to them after a week. The only motivation previously was that I was paying for the time so I wanted to get a skill on training as soon as I could. Now its all free and even if I miss the end of the queue by a day or two the character isn't really loosing anything other than learning a skill sooner. At the level of the alpha's that really isn't a lot to loose. I was thinking of anyone subbing from an Alpha account... why bother subing sooner when your can get the skills for free as an alpha. IMHO all alpha accounts should wait until they have trained the alpha skill set before moving onto being an omega. Maybe that's just the bitter-vet in me. I know that Eve is a long term game. Newer players may be in the rush to the next shiny thing.... for me I've been in the game too long, there is no rush.

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