Friday 11 November 2016

WoW.... Warlock woe's

Warlock's are evil. Horde Warlocks, specifically Undead warlocks are more evil (imho). Yes "Evil" is a turn of phrase and there are 50 shades of evilness....
I've been playing my horde warlock, dungeoning and questing to get him slowly but surely to 110.
What brings me to post this is this little guy:
This cute, innocent little bundle of moo which has just been discovered by an 'evil' horde undead warlock. Yes if it wasn't for the XP this little moo moo would still be floating down the river....

What joy it would be if the character themed artifact weapon quest remained true for all questing in an expansion. So no more generalised quests... Each class gets it's own perspectives in each area. Not every area needs quest givers they could all be in your class hall. Wouldn't that be deliciously immerse. Just saying....

Blast from the past.... A Warlocks warlock....

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