Wednesday 25 July 2018

No Man's Sky....

TLDR: The NEXT patch makes the game what it should have been on it's initial release.


3rd person view and suit customisation are great. 

Graphics updates are brilliant. Flight handling feels a lot more simulation than arcadey.

Alien interaction and gesturing is a lot more fluid and believable, a lot more 'alive' then they used to be.

I'm happy for the Xbox One players, they wont' have known any other version. 

I really like the game in it's newly updated version. The NEXT patch makes the game what it should have been on it's initial release.



(engage 5 year old me tantrum)

The initial loading screen took 7 minutes to 'load'.

A small thing, but as a solo player seeing these start choices, they didn't inspire me about gameplay. 

"be joined by random players" oh my what fun, ha, ha, ha(150% sarcasm). 
I like to play solo but the inference here is that random strangers can join my game. More questions than answers. I do know I wouldn't like random strangers "joining" me. Imagine what a random ásshat could do with your base.... creating, destroying.....  Minecraft and dynamite come to mind.

The patch has wiped my previous footprint in the game.

I've been plucked from my planet and plonked down on a random space station.

My planet nowhere to be seen, the base I was standing in, the aliens I had recruited are gone. 

The base is archived it said but I didn't have a big or intricate base. I don't really care about the base.

I've been moved, that's what really bugs me; Moved to a space station somewhere. Guess I should be glad I still have my ship, multi-tool and suit.

All my inventory's are filled with "obsolete" scrap with the changes to items and technology.

I liked my old planet, I got to choose it. I chose it because it had all the materials for building and warp fuel creation. Sentinel's were passive.

Did I mention I chose it and liked it..... 

Now it's gone I miss it.... The view from my base door and even it's purple grass. This is where I was and wanted to be.

At least my previous scan's of systems/planets and lifeforms still exists. I still have my credit currency/nanites. So that's something.

For my short return to the game I wandered the new station layout and the aliens there. I chose the Atlas path on leaving the station. Harvested some asteroids. Then docked and got to meet Nada and Polo again for some wormhole coordinates which I didn't use.

I found a freighter for sale at 7,750,000 credits. I currently have 2 million so it may take a while. If I go that route.

I did travel to the nearby planet, hostile, storm ridden and a few materials I didn't know; And worse, materials I needed machinery to excavate. It was at that point that I released that starting fresh would be the better option. It's essentially how I find myself now, a forced restart. BUT; There is always a but! But that would lead on to a grind for materials. The same reason I couldn't be bothered with building up a base before. Even on my beloved, now lost planet. 

So I'm stuck again as a traveller, foraging for materials to build warp cores to follow the atlas path?
Kind of already done that.
I've already travelled the stars, passed through wormholes and fought pirates. 
I've already explored, learnt languages, meet aliens and fought sentinels.
I've already catalogued systems, planets and all the life they contain.

I might potter about with creative mode for the sake of it. See if that inspires me.

Weekly community challenges pfft.

For all the changes that NEXT brings I find myself at a stage where I'm just burned out with the game. Burned out with the gameplay and I haven't played it in month's; Burned out from waiting for NEXT.

As I said I'm happy for the Xbox One players, they won't have known any other version; It's a game with more streamlined options, more playable. If only it had been like this when I started. I've got close to 95 odd hours in the game as it is. I can't see me doing much more.

I cant' be bothered because there isn't anything really new...

I really need time and distance from the game.
I already liked where I was!
Not even leaving me in the same system!!


This patch plucked me from my journey, it's all I had previously and it's gone. I'm really bummed out about it. If you hadn't guessed already. As it turns out I'm not the only one to be unhappy at loosing their personal space no matter the base layout or recreating it somewhere else. 

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