Wednesday 22 April 2020

A Plague Tale Innocence....

A Plague Tale Innocence was a game I thought I'd not be interest in. It's not really the kind of game I'm usually into(RPG puzzler ish). Not that I'd much of any real idea about the game beyond the bare basics(Horror adventure). What was a driver for me in getting to play this game was the prolonged good comments about it that were beyond any hype. So with that in mind I saw it was available to download and play on PC via Xbox Ultimate pass. No harm in trying it out just to see for myself.

So after downloading and trying it out I can say I'm really liking it. I've taken a 'normal' level of difficulty in a super casual play-through. The game mechanics and the story drew me in. It all works well.

It's a game that's not made me frustrated at it or it's mechanics; That's not to say I've never repeated sections but that's more down to me than anything else. Like not seeing something that's 'obvious'; Or when a character literally says to look for something which I then ignore and spend 15 minutes wondering how to get past only to restart at a checkpoint and repeat the mistake.... All that and I've also raised the brightness to make stuff more obvious. That may be heresy to some but I'm already at a handicap with this type of game(see missing the obvious comment above). I'm here for the enjoyment not frustration.

Like I said the game works. It's themes and feel make it like a cross between the older Thief games with a side of Warhammer 40k given the inquisition elements. I may not pay to own it but I've been taking my time with it and enjoying it's twists and turns as things pan/play out. Worth giving it a try imho, no regrets there or in promoting it.

The music is likewise great with one tune the floats in the background that reminds me of the blood eagle music from the Vikings TV series.

I'll edit and post a video of each chapter of my gameplay each weekday till the end. Edited to make the story/play-through flow better; No need to see my 20 minute mistakes missing the blindingly obvious. Not to mention the usual escape key moments of human interruptions or feline happenings for that matter(kitten will be kitten).

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