Wednesday 1 April 2020


The journey goes on....

April fools day in STO is one where you have the option to 'let' the sound effects become.... quirky. I like the change. It's for one day and it's fun.

I've also noticed a change this year with the NPC's who are all now playing accordions(same as the DS9 Klingon chef). In fairness the image for the dev post(above) kind of gives that away.

Otherwise I've been continuing any endeavour dailies that were 'easy' enough(Tact or Sci mains). Some more reputation dailies with my science main; And the Wastelands mission arc for my Delta recruit KDF character to finish off his faction specific account unlocks.

It's a pity Wasteland was removed from the episode list I always liked it. It was as close to an old skool MMO mission hub(an all-in-one area) than anything else in STO. Other planets doen't have the same to and fro 'feel'. With that arc done the only remaining rewards that need to be unlocked require a Romulan Delta Recruit to complete missions. Since I don't have one of those I'll have to wait till there's another Delta Recruit a year or two...maybe?

There was also a Red Alert Weekend but I find most weekend events are way to short. Only seems like I'm getting into them when they end. Yet the upcoming Bonus Dilithium Weekend! Isn't really just a weekend either(April 2nd to 6th).... Guess I'm not happy one way or the other.

There was some good news on the ship design front. One of my favorite ships, the Ferengi D'Kora Marauder is getting lots of attention.

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