Thursday 23 April 2020

Star Trek Online....

The free Medical themed pack that was given away has a vanity shield that I finally found a home for. I chose to put it on my Fek'Ihri S'Torr Warchip. It's a bright striking look that goes well with the ship. I got to use it in combat for an Endevour that needed Antiproton damage, it's my Antiproton fit so that worked out well.

I've also finalized the current event. Even claiming the XP bonus pool for the sake of it.

I know I've waffled before that I enjoyed the daily.. It's been fun!

I'm a casual gamer, so no surprise to say I'm casual in my take on all things STO but there is a need to improve by tweaking ships/fits/characters/stats. It's an Alice in wonderland rabbit hole, easy to fall into and hard to get out.

The path of clarification and understanding has many combinations and permutations; In some ways information overload, in many other ways re-interpretation. That over time can lead to a lot of bad habit's and incorrect use of information. Why all this waffle? Because the more I learn about fitting/setting up ships/characters in STO the more confused I'm getting. Just when I think I have a handle on whats what there's more information that skewed my thinking. Modules/traits/ships mixing and matching in ways that the meta says is 'the best' but to my amateur eye doesn't.

This week has seen me try to wade through the sage teachings of two youtubers and multiple vids by them in order to comprehend and glean some understanding.

CounterYolo Gaming:
    Best Lobi Store Starships (2020) | Star Trek Online
    Starship Classes (re)Explained (14 March 2020) | Star Trek Online
    Budget Builds: 2020 Edition | Star Trek Online

Timber Wolf:
    Free 2 Play experience part 8!!! Star Trek Online

It's been great to see them say why they chose X over Y in ship or module and to see in practical terms what and why they are doing/choosing things. Trying to make all that mesh with my own setup/items/modules/traits, play'style and knowledge is a multiplying compounding confused mess at the moment. Starting from scratch is key for clarity but a pain when it's the 5th time round. Especially when time and motivation is limited. What am I missing, innate in game knowledge that was gifted to players at the dawn of time and never since..... Seems like it at the moment. I've been the reverse side of it from my WoW or Eve Online perspectives, STO still has a lot of mysteries behind it's smoke and mirrors. At least for me right now.

A fleet I'm in is also good with information and explaining; But doing is by far the better teacher. Easy to be told fit A, B and C and go use without the actual know-how as to why. I want the know-how. A lot of things still don't make sense. I find myself on alts copying the setups of meta/youtubers as close as possible and seeing very different results. Starter level XII fit on a T5 ship with X and Y configuration and A, B and C traits and they get 60K dps saying I should as well....... I don't even get that on my main never mind the cookie cutter test fit clone of an alt.

It's a whole other type of journey in the game; Understanding. Maybe the most true Star Trek of interactive themes.

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