Sunday 19 April 2020

Eve Online....

Day 4 - Nothing new just more drugs.... er.... boosters for the daily 'gift', be it Alpha or Omega.

CCP the official virtual drug pushers. Still auto applied to the character that redeemed it. Today does see it last an hour. I have claimed the 'gift' and in doing so completed the daily increase in skill points... Which I presume will be 'gifted' at the end of the gift phase/campaign. Not that that's really worth doing either but it's 'something'.

I've not redeemed the 'gift' on many other characters then those I've wanted to login and play today; And of those I've trashed the 'gift' on all but the one to test the buff length. Only a logged in character can trash an item form the redeem queue. I could let it expire in the queue but I like to micromanage my assets and it's not one of my assets so is clogging my view and must go. I can't be arsed with the rest of my Alpha hordes; It can all expire.  

Imagine in this real world pandemic an in game gift that was based on the medical side, like an in game faction(Sisters of Eve) as a way of both conveying advice/thanks and occupying players free time..... Well done Star Trek Online, that's how you do a freebie.

In Eve terms that's like a free thematic permanent SKIN(for all ships), A free admiralty card in Eve may as well be a free logistics ship to fly. A bridge officer has no comparison in Eve so .... STO has one up on Eve there.. Never mind having bridge officers and ship bridges to see them on, ship and station interiors full stop; Never mind WALKING in those ships, station and planets. Eve has no walking at all these day's.

'Leet' Eve players mock STO so much.... STO has a more complex fitting system than Eve. Traits/abilities on ship and character in combinations far beyond 'just' Eve ship fit and character implants/boosters.... 

Glad I'm still enjoying years of in game bonus's/buff's and enhancements from STO's lifetime sub(unlike the two collectors editions I bought from Eve). #StopMysteryCodeNeglect
e.g.  STO lifetime sub 'gifts' 500 ZEN  a month! Imagine a collectors edition of Eve that gifts 500 PLEX a month....               Just saying!

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