Friday 17 April 2020

Eve Online....

So...... Day 2 of the daily login 'gifts'.

I've only checked two so far but had to post....



But wait, what I thought were original blueprints are actually 1 run blueprint copies.

Omega and Alpha both get a 1 run blueprint copy.

A 1 run T1 blueprint copy.

A 1 run,


blueprint copy,

with no time or material research at all.

What in the actual F**K do I need that sh*t for. Absolutely nothing.

Even if they were both Original blueprints, had time and material research levels I'd have one use - but them in storage.

Who things this sh*t up..... really .....

A 1 run T1 blueprint copy. What F**king genius was paid 40k a year to come up with that!

In all seriousness... Why would you gift an Omega(or anyone) with a 1 run T1 blueprint copy....

Tutorial level items.... WHO.... WHY..... WTF.......

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