Wednesday 15 April 2020


With the planet in a stay at home phase STO has had some great content to keep a gamer going. Freebies like the Borg Pack are very welcome.

Dilithium and mark weekends etc round it all out.

Also with the take up of another space game I've kind of dropped the Xbox version of STO. I was doing it for the sake of doing it more than anything else... Now there is that something else to do(as well as PC STO.

Today saw the last daily needed to complete the First Contact event. It's a good little daily that I've always enjoyed.

As you'r doing the daily with/against 4 other players I think this year I've noticed a non competitive change. Not sure if it was present that way before; But there isn't a 'winner' for the fastest ship.... The end is a list of the players and the times that each rocket did....For each 'participant'.

I'm not one to be against competition, fairness or deny anyone their safe spaces. I have no problem with doing the event and not winning. However......Given the luck/RNG based nature of the event it's probably a better way of doing it. Less controversial in game at least.

Event progress was good with the daily, like I said I enjoyed doing it. Maybe for popping the disco ball and rep flourish at the end as much as for participating overall.

With the event done and the reward claimed, I've no real use for it. There's no console I'd want to have replaced by it. Maybe I'll see the meta do something around this console or if it's a 'fit it as the best thing ever anyway'(even if I don't see it as that). Time will tell.

I'll carry on with the daily for the dilithium in any case and then see about whats next(summer event?). Maybe another alt......

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