Monday 28 September 2020

Star Trek Online....

After my last post where I waffled about it taking effort to do both high and low DPS in dungeons; I decided to see how I could actively sabotage a character. Forced to be bad. DPS wise in a TFO run.

I took a max level alt that has been ignored for years. Hopped into his Heavy Destroyer and removed his bridge officers. 

Basic mish-mash character, no flair at all.

Then using no abilities I went and did a normal TFO pressing only the space bar for attacks.

And the results were a surprise. Not that I did woeful damage, I did. But that there were 2 other players just as 'bad'; And they were not new players.

Proves my point more than I thought the process would. Players really do have to go out of their way to do woeful damage..... Or go AFK. AFK is hard to do in my book as the game is sharp to penalize you for going AFK. Anyway imho the effort needed to tread the AFK line and not be penalized is equal to 'just doing' the TFO as a participant. Why play the game to not play the game.

The TFO and the DPS numbers were a bit to easy to prove the point. Another run was needed to try and be 'worse'.


As an aside in order to improve my main's DPS I paid more attention to his bridge officers. I'd ignored their hardwired traits.

2 Were not bad with the Leadership trait.

I had two that I could use to improve the situation.
Uhura and Bashir.

I had also seen some info on using another Bridge officer from the exchange. When I got her she has no space traits listed. Maybe she had been changed in a patch. More work to lookup officers and traits needed!

What I would like is one of these Colony Bridge officers! Pity but Armada isn't there yet.


Anyway back to doing another 'worse' run.

I switched ships. To a new old stock off the shelf Prototype Cruiser.

Same again, no officers, no abilities. Just mashing the space bar to fire the normal weapons; And the DPS numbers show it is indeed worse.

Still not as bad as I thought it would be. Still proves it takes effort(or going afk) to do so 'bad' little DPS.

Only way to do worse is to do the same again but take a new character that has no unlocked/placed traits. Do a TFO just as it becomes available(level restriction); But then your just a new player and there's plenty of them about.

Fun bit of faffing about.

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