Tuesday 8 September 2020

Star Trek Online....

Waffle and a rant(ish) - 8/9/20.

I'm still having fun in game even with Red Alert dailies rep mark farming. One event stops and the next event starts. I may not be playing the game a lot per day but I'm playing it daily..... While also getting other stuff done for my characters.

Still working on those rep marks to level said rep on my 'main' Engineering alt.

However R&D on my Jem'Hadar is complete. He's now completed all the Gamma recruit account unlocks(bout time).

Apart from that I've been leveling some alts, doing TFO's for fun. 

It's a game I like being in.... Just doing anything. 

Not much good or interesting in it's doing for a blog but fun is fun.

The Trek Day celebration is 'meh'. It's not like the ships are never shown or not owned by players.... 
Players see and fly them every day! So to see them parked outside Earch Spacedock is..... 'meh'. They don't even have fireworks going off... That would've been 'good'. As would some NPC shuttle traffic going from parked ship to ship.

To be nit picky I have a problem with the order they are parked up in. I have a problem with the inclusion/mix of those ships when they could have been grouped up differently. I have a problem with some of the info that the ships have.... Audio clips and text; Worst of which(for me) is the Enterprise D that uses alternative reality Picard(not mirror, or Picard series Picard, but alternative reality Picard(that Yar Episode) for a voice-over. They could've found better clips from the 'real' Picard TNG time-line but yea nit picky.
Others are good and worth it(like Janeway for Voyager). 
Others are not (like Discovery).

While I can live with Kelvin Trek. I dislike with a passion the newer Trek.... It's not Trek to me and it's dismissive nature of Trek and all Trek that came before it. Season 3 teaser/trailer for Discover makes me hate dislike it even more. Makes me sad for Trek and more passionate about all that came before Discovery/Picard/Lower Decks.....(What the man said). "Star Trek, in particular, has always represented hope..." 🖖, I don't see that in nu Trek. Not at all.

I've tried to ignore stuff, turn a blind eye; But it's like trying to sleep next to a house party, volume at 11 and it's 3a.m. Now nu Trek is more and more in STO it's becoming unavoidable.

At some stage there better be a Q scene where he's looking at alternative realities and does a one liner quick fix get out of jail free-card finger snap; Best for all involved not matter the series. 

Where fans clamor for the joining of Trek universe continuity; There now needs to be separation. Things have altered too dramatically in the 'Nu' shows and the consequences are like tidal waves that flood backwards and cover everything else(very bad retcon).

EDIT 11/09/20 :- That's not the q I wanted!!!!

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