Tuesday 13 October 2020

Eve Online....

There will be a patch tomorrow with CCP upping the Triglavian story-line with whatever crazy 27 system shenanigans they are going to do..... Yet last night was a bit of a let down.... Nothing happened....

I had an alt jumping from Caldari to Amarr space to pick up a ship, 57 jumps there and 57 jumps back and not once did I come across a gate that was shut off.... So the warnings about gate problems and traffic congestion was a let down... But... Biggest of all was the let down of something big going to happen; Especially when CCP's official twitch channel started streaming the Perimeter gate in Jita..... 

Nothing happened.

Noting except hundreds of players at the gate during the stream waiting for something to happen, waiting and shooting fireworks about....

Nothing happened.

It's that kind of B.S. hype that annoys me as it's just CCP F*ck'n with player expectations.

Yes the last trailer to have Jita 4-4 in frame had a huge shadow cross over it, there was already expectation. The warning today and the stream hyped that speculation up and caused a let down with lots of players being narky because of it.

No shiz something is going to happen tomorrow... It's extended downtime/patch day! Of course something is going to happen - The PATCH. 

Why am I being narky over this, because I can, because I, like the rest of New Eden thought something was going to happen. Not just tomorrows downtime, patch application followed by server restart and pop things are different.

CCP being CCP again; Fkd up in their own way.

I recall WoW's pre patch in game world events as some of the best times. CCP can't manage that.

This in Eve is akin to a certain large dragon in WoW landing on Stormwind's main gate only there's no sign of the dragon and the only thing to happen is a gate cam steaming players coming and going....


As an aside it doesn't take much to speculate that the 27 systems are going to be a new 'sector' of space that needs player built gates to reach; But who knows, not even the CSM.

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