Saturday 24 October 2020

Star Trek Online....

Xbox edition. 

With the PC version down for maintenance/patch work as well as Origin's launcher doing the same I found myself continuing on in the Xbox version(yesterday). 

The Xbox version is a clone of that on PC but it's the Xbox specific changes that make it easier more casual to play and enjoy(auto execution/delayed execution). So pottering about with even my limited knowledge made for (what I think was) great progression. 

It doesn't take much to progress in Star Trek Online PC or Xbox; But it's been a long while since I put in some serious hours on the Xbox version in one stint. Today Yesterday saw me put in at least 5-ish enjoyable hours(with breaks). 

Duty Officer/Admiralty missions/Reputation/Patrols/TFO's/mission episodes etc. Currencies and gear upgrades or access to gear upgrades..... Lots to potter about with.

The Bajoran Interceptor is one of my favorite ships. I chose it as it's matching set is less of a grind to acquire than a reputation based space set(imho). So in order to get that set, the Bajor Defence space set, I needed to get access to a mission(Scylla and Charybdis); Which in turn needed me to do the New Frontiers mission arc.  I didn't have to do all of it but I wanted to to it all.

It wasn't difficult to do, no problem in doing it even with the hodge podge ship fit I'd already got. It was 'good' for it'. So doing it just took the time and effort to get it done. The mission arc and then the Scylla and Charybdis mission repeated three times to claim each part of the set from the rewards. 

Upgrading the fit to mark XV was done with the Phoenix Prize, universal tech upgrades. During which I altered some modifies and obtained other 'bits'. Got Doff's, a console or two etc. etc. Stuff I take for granted on my PC characters. Also as I'd gotten the Bajoran Interceptor as a prize reward and not from the anniversary event so could only get the space sets warp core via a Phoenix token claim, so I got it as well.

As I had the marks to spare I also decided on getting the Discovery reputation Lorca's Ambition space set to add to the mix.

I reverted the ship back to using the Voice of the Prophets experimental weapon(instead of the Soliton Wave Impeller); Not only to stick with the Bajoran theme but I find it a faster firing weapon than the other experimental's. I'm sure there're a lot of min/maxers that would guffaw at that.

So overall quiet the mish mash of items and consoles that work for me. Better than similar fits I've done with the same ships and gear on PC. It's nice to see 20 -30k crits pop regularly.

Even better when the odd 60k crit hits.

As for the old Nandi (free when started playing on Xbox) it's received the best of the rest from the inventory. Tested in a few TFO's and it's given respectable middle of the road results. Holds it's own and gets an A for effort.

The only other ship I've active at the moment is the unfitted (for now) Risian Corvette; I want to build a 'better' fit for it. Or at least something different.

As I'll end up doing the soul destroying Synth Wave TFO for the new space set when the event hits Xbox, this ship is the most likely to use it.

Other ships have been dry-docked or discharged in a clear-out; I've been more into smaller faster ships of late.

Checking the store showed there was a new(ish) free pack(the Verdant weapon Pack), which I claimed. It took a day to show up and be claimable in game but good to get as my officers needed some new upgrades.

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