Monday 12 October 2020

Star Trek Online....

With the end of one event there's a breather for the next. Usually. It doesn't feel like it now as the patch and new content brings a new TFO, episode and an event that's classed as a non-event. It doesn't count to the overall campaign(which I thought was finished already). There's also the new item to drive player attention. It was an unexpected item for sure(to upgrade ships account wide). An extra console slot is a welcome one but to have it a universal console slot is even better. An extra device slot adds more utility, whats not to like, some ships are in need of it, so I won't turn my nose up at that either.

I did spend a lots of Dilithium(and converted Zen to Dil) to buy Phoenix prize box's, to see if I could be lucky; And I was. I got an Epic Token.

One Epic token can purchase a downgrade of 2 Ultra rare tokens. Which I did.

Those 2 tokens can then be used to get 2 of the new ship upgrade tokens, which is a 2 for one item giving 4 upgrade tokens.

With the free token that gave me 5 to use to upgrade ships.

I did consider selling one token on the exchange. Current prices were for 50 million(falling fast enough); But I decided to do the ship upgrades with all 5. 
Before it all I did consider using the epic token for a ship but  I shot that down quick, deciding to stick to my 'get ship upgrade' token plans.

Now for the upgrades.

One on my Science Main(alt).

One on my Engineering Main(alt).

And three on my most used favorites. All three of which are seasonal event rewards.

All in all the best use of the upgrades on account wide ships for me.

My main tactical character had been in a Fleet T6 Risian Corvette but I've 'downgraded' him back to his T6 event ship version(now T6-X). The directional booster was fun but it was a bit uncontrollable. 50% of the time it would activate just on my normal WASD key use(over time it's become too annoying).

Ships and fits, now this upgrade system; Another factor to figure in even if it's an easier choice for a more casual player like me. Overall nothing perfect fit wise. A lot cobbled together over time and from what seemed the best of the moment. All still do the job.

Here's those last three ships(upgraded) in patrols as a mess about/test.

I've always said in the past I've no meta head on my shoulders, even after watching those that do. 
Some of the more 'casual' youtubers I've seen talk about how they play the game, I see what they do, see whats relevant to me and alter my characters with what I think works best. More from a proved practicality than pure stats. 
The more 'advanced' youtubers, who are top of the meta are only really talking to their 'own kind'. They may run through their fits and what they have and where they got it but it's not really explanatory. Like saying a rocket goes to space but leaving out the science behind it all(even basic stuff - Fuel, propulsion, escape velocity). A lot is taken for granted in their talk(reverse psychology for me). 
Crit severity and accuracy; If it was 'a thing' on stacking stats everyone would be doing it. I've tried getting stats to match these players but trying isn't enough. There is balance in stat management, thresholds that need to be met. Other youtubers straddle a mid line in their explanations but they are few and far between.

I'm not the most verbose in group(fleet/armada) chats(I have a blog to waffle on). For the most part I'm happy to point(steer) a conversation(discussion) with a comment or two; But even then I've read so many comments that are elitist, superior and put down those that lack knowledge. Directly and indirectly. That in general chats like it, they're not conducive to those that need help, in depth help, real help. There are those that are leaders in both rank and social standings that command respect and do really help when they are on. Still the 3 ring circus of daily life in a fleet has it's own ringleaders to do as they please.

What I cobble together on a ship has been more than enough to get through the game on Advanced never mind normal; There's nothing on Elite difficulty that I've seen that I want or need (for now)so no real need to push further. Other than doing more DPS as a higher 'thing' to reach for, things go boom quicker = good.

This has turned into a bit of a rant(like my posts in general this last while), so I'll finish off on something non controversial.

On the Xbox flip-side I've been having some more fun. Accomplishments have been rife on a 'newer' character that hasn't been everywhere and done everything; It's a good feeling.

Getting some more of the 'Endgame' content done; reputations are gaining some higher levels. I took advantage of spare Omega marks to get the Kinetic cutting beam. Upgraded it's a good addon instead of the more generic rear phaser turret.

The journey goes on....

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