Monday 26 October 2020

Star Trek Online....

Looking back over more recent posts it 'may' seem like I'm either repeating myself(a lot) or posting about such small iterations of in game activities that it seems pointless. To each their own. For my part I do a lot of waffling; It has to go somewhere. Especially since most of my gaming friends be they in real life or across the internet aren't into the same games as me 99% of the time.

So more of the same but different again today yesterday. 

Today Yesterday saw the end of the 'event' dailies and I was able to claim the space set reward. An account wide unlock that starts at mark  is a great reward. Almost Worth enduring the TFO for.

That set has now been claimed so many times and plastered all over ships across all my main characters that had anything below a level XIII module; With still so many more to do....

Like on the Engineering main that has been doing most of the event(lots to tweak here).

As well as every small ship that each character has. Much more work to do but then again the small class isn't' really used any more outside of one Episodes mission(The Vault).

In particular I want to check out this fit with the new set (on my tactical main). Do some tweaking/changes/modification etc... Should be fun.

Not to mention that fit in progress....PC's Pilot version, Xbox normal corvette is still unfitted.

As for the reputations...
My Science main finished off the last reputation to get all of them to level 6. Nice.

My Engineering main is also well on the path to getting all to the max. Just 4 more to go.

On the Xbox side I'm still having fun pottering about with more missions. 

For some reason I'm having an easier time and more fun going through missions. Having a great ship kicking virtual space butt is a plus but even ground missions seem easier than I remembered. Maybe there was some mission 'streamlining' for the Xbox version.

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