Thursday 1 October 2020

Star Trek Online....

With event after event, in such a way as there isn't a break between each; It's to much of a good thing.
No doubt it's driving up player activity but also increasing player burnout(imho). Or worse player attentiveness. Events are almost being taken for granted. If everything is special, nothing is.
I know I'm starting to think about being picky about rewards. I'm not there yet but I can see my PC gameplay going the way of the Xbox and only picking and choosing as the rewards and my interest dictates.
The amount of items a new character on my account can claim is insane. Great for a player after years of gameplay but it looses it's 'being special' element(lot of that going about).

The current Red Alert event is one I'm alternating on my Science and Engineering 'main alts'. They need the reputation marks more than any.

The next event is one which had it's rewards described(quiet well in a tweet I can't find now) as an heirloom set. It's an apt description. The Imperial Rift Space Set. Another event and more account unlocked items; very 'first world problem'.

There was a dev blog out The Year of Klingon: Part 2; Which is all about further enhancing the experience of anyone in game if they touch on Klingon content, KDF or Fed perspectives. I know it may be a long overhaul process and that I had expected to much when I saw a phase of the game called 'Year of the Klingon'. I read to much into that for sure. Still good to see the content improve and maybe pave the way for the future, something specifically KDF player centric....

Progress is progress.

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