Wednesday 2 December 2020

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition....

I've put in a horrendous amount of hours across the original 3 Mass Effect games when they first came out. DLC, multiple versions of playthroughs, neutral, paragon and renegade on each game. Choices taken and ignored. Replayed to get the perfect choice for each playthrough. Alt's and main's. Fun and serious takes.  Full, every side quest runs and more basic main story takes. Stories and endings both good and bad(in more ways than one). So much time, enjoyable and worth it, that I now have to really reason with myself about how worth it is to get this new updated version... 

The Legendary Edition really does sound legendary, filled with all the 3 games and all of their bonus DLC and other content fully updated for modern expectations. No changes to stories or content, 'just' game engines and quality of life improvements like ... graphics. But it really is for gamers who've not had their day in the games. 

I've had my experience of the games.... It might be worth getting the newer updated versions of the games that 'only' add newer game engine updates to be 'modern'; But it seems a chore to repeat everything I've already done in the originals to 'only' see newer updated graphics.

Been there, done that, sooooooo many times.

The games are great, not really dated even today. Going back to the first game a while ago I was really struck by how 'bad' different the controller layout was is when comparing it to more modern games. It still has it's game-play, fun, story and choices, as they all do. Great games are great games and they are great games. Making them easier for newer gamers to get into isn't a crime and yet it's not for the older players who have been there and done that. Well maybe it is. Maybe I'd be buying it for nostalgia, or to see a new version on PC instead of Xbox.... 

The nostalgia is for the old games, on the old system with my old saves. The updated Legendary is a new beast that I need to consider, from scratch on PC....(sale price this time next year?)

Time will indeed tell..... With it out 'Spring 2021'. This is one to mull in the noggin for a while.

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