Saturday 26 December 2020

Darkest Dungeon....

The game has been on my mind the last while but I've not been back to it. The last year has had a fair amount of Darkest Dungeon activity spread through it's first half for me. Mainly on a Stygian(NG+) save. The start of the year kicked off with a post; An overview and a decent return to that save. 

January had been a good month; Progress was kept up and pushed on further

February was an be an uphill struggle

March proved that if things don't improve it's not 'just' the status quo; But a new form of hell. However even progress at a price leads on to progress nonetheless

April brought the Circus distraction; A well needed distraction given the start of the Crimson Court DLC for that run. Which lead into further progress in May; And yet more distractions into June.

Doesn't seem like six-ish months since all that; Where again the game then became a quiet boiling, bubbling existence on the pc gaming back burner.

Until now. It seems my 'New Game +' or 'Stygian' save really was well in hand, maybe more than I thought. Longterm goals of 3 final bosses from 2 DLC's to be removed; Along with the more immediate goal of running dungeons with fresh of the coach expendable 'heroes' for the better heroes regen and'fixing', easy enough but it takes time and effort. 

The % interest from the Bank on a successful weekly turn really adds up. So much so that at 7 Million I'd say that I can make this save now live off the interest(+350k a week).

Looking over the 'good' Heroes and the trinkets they can have shows them to be a lot better than I gave credit for before. 

The 'color of madness' DLC trinkets are still to be purchased and so are that DLC's buildings for the Hamlet. Nice to have but not necessarily needed.   

Grinding heroes to gain shards for those trinkets/buildings should be worth it, just not necessary. 

Or would it be? Finishing off the remaining bosses is more than doable with the save as it is.... 

The grind for shards compliments several goals simultaneously(mainly bosses).....

I guess I'm just weary of a time sink developing that gets out of hand. So the 'why start in the first place' thoughts are knocking about in my noggin. Kicking the can down the road as it were, is it's own problem. Maybe the main delay.... Maybe a kick up the posterior to get on with it would be better....

So 'grind' for the shards, get the buildings and trinkets and kill bosses; Sounds good. Time and the motivation to grind are then the issue for me(I have issues eh!).... I think I know why this went on the back burner for so long. That's where the posterior kick is needed.....

I really am waffling now.

Not doing it 'all' would leave the save incomplete in my view.....And in the back of my mind that would continues to fester. 

At this stage I need to stop waffling and just get on with it. One delay on another.

As for the Radiant mode save; It's not a serious contender. It's allowances are, generous. Not that it can't hurt; If I'm going back in it may as well have maximum meaning. Clearing the NG+ save fully would be that 'good' meaning; And allow me to have the 'luxury' of pottering about in the future with the simpler 'easier' save after all else is said and done.

Long overdue; Time to get back to it.... (So many games so little time! And now Stardew Valley 1.5 hits)! 

Still not a bad first run back with a crew of expendables after having a long break:

A Casual Carebear Gamer

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