Wednesday 23 December 2020

ETS 2....

Seeing a lot of posts and tweets I've gotten the vibe I've been slower than most for gaining the individual event/rewards; But I got to complete the (personal)event last night.

Using a 'proper' steering wheel is a better, smoother experience than keyboard and mouse; Yet when my wife asked me if I'd done better than I'd have done normally.... I had to say no(she knows I crash trucks way to often in game). A poor workman blames his tools as they say, but I can't fault the new steering wheel. 100% driver shenanigans(shakes fist at YouTube on second screen)!.

Still whats completed is completed.

As my truck/character was still around Turkey due to doing the last DLC I picked up; I'd stayed mainly around that area of the world doing the event. 

It's been interesting to see the spread of completion as the broader community continues the event deliveries. Still lots to do....

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