Tuesday 1 December 2020

8-Bit Armies....


I really really like 8-bit armies. I've played it a good bit; Getting it on sale I can say I've gotten my monies worth(think it was less than €10). But the more time has passed the more I've not gone back to it. It's a game that ticks all the RTS boxes and brings game-play nostalgia with it's style and in game mechanics...... I just never seems to get back to do more with it. 

My 'need' to get maximum gameplay value has been high. Last time I posted I said that the difficulty levels on maps and the reward unlockables were a motivation. While I'm not a completionist and I've unlocked more, it's not proven to be the motivator I had thought. 

I've no co-op options and fun multiplayer for the game is dead. If there's a game online it's populated by one or two OP, OTT gamer who will min max you to a win in a split second. 

Skirmish mode is likewise not the draw I thought it to be. It's a mode that gets tired fast despite the ability to alter engagement parameters.

Trying the Guardians campaign is fun enough but the alternative units and style are not enough to keep my interest never mind progress that campaign; Which is pretty much the same as the main 'Renegades' campaign(maybe a little tougher due to the units).

In saying all that let me emphasize I still love this game, I just can't get any more enjoyment form it; Best not to force trying to get enjoyment from it. Maybe somewhere down the line I'll see it listed in Steam and get all nostalgic for it..... 

There isn't that much more I can get from it right now so it's being shelved.....

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