Wednesday 9 December 2020

Star Trek Online....

Between the last event and this it's not been long but still a nice break from the game. That time of year again. Q's Winter wonderland. Not much took my fancy from the new vendor items.

I did pick up the throne replica as well as the rainbow scarf. It's a pity the throne is a 5 use consumable.

The usual daily race for me was the same as it's ever been(like herehere and here). Maybe I'm to used to these activities. Another year, another daily ice race on both PC and Xbox main characters.

One down, 19 days to go.

The ship should be an interesting one. Still not the kind I like to fly but as a no shíts given kamikaze tactic I'm sure TFO's will be filled with them. May as well join in the 'fun'.

Not much else happening but I did see another interesting character...

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