Monday 14 December 2020

Fallout 4....

With all the talk of Cyberpunk problems on it's release, I am more than happy to have not pre-purchased it. Not just because of the torrent of bugs but that it's not the world that was as wide as expected. I've long since favored waiting and getting a patched out game with DLC/expansions at half price 6 to 12 months later. If a game is worth it, it'll be worth the wait.

A friend who had pre-purchased(about 8 or so months ago), has after 8 hours of gameplay bemoaned the pre-purchase and the product delivered. This from a guy who had massive hype for it and was disappointed(to say the least) when it was twice delayed. Twice delayed.... Imagine what it would have been if not!? Never mind now(devs are sorry is such a cliche these days).

Anyway, I was glad I'd nothing to do with the game...... It did get me thinking about Fallout 4, which for all it's own faults is still a great game experiance today. So I went back to it over the last few day's(just like this, this and this).

Back in 2018 I did a bit of a post going through my characters/play-through's. So today is again progress like this to this to this.

I've waffled so much before I'll not waffle on what small things I've altered and changed. My main is still my main(Railroad/Minutemen), my Institute char is still my Institute char; And my Brotherhood char is still my Brotherhood character.

My 4th character was supposed to live as a low level mess about(leather armour, pipe weapons etc.); but has now leveled to 40. Gaining so many quests/missions that it's a forest of map markers. Love it!

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Piper in a secret agent look is still cool.

Preston needs more than just the naughty chair!

Being in Fallout 4 is still a great experience.

As for this 4th character; I'll potter away for now without locking in any permanent decisions(I'm really just after the Ballistic weave from the Railroad). It's a big enough game to faff about with and not face any main or side story challenges.

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