Thursday 28 January 2021

Bomber Crew....

There's a sense of completion with my 'main' save in Bomber Crew that I'm happy with. I've taken my time with the campaign progression. Doing extra missions to gain all the  gear, upgrades, experience, research, training and currency to allow it all to happen without to much restriction. It's a game I've really, really enjoyed the more I 'got into it'.

With the end of the campaign, the enemy aces all destroyed etc. Achievements came naturally as the campaign progressed; So much so that I have all but two. I felt the game was complete. 
Here's the caveat. It took a few tries to redo the last mission and get all the crew back alive. I admit I copied the save folder, I would overwrite it if the end mission wasn't going the way I wanted. 
I could do the mission and get it done successfully; My problem was getting all the crew back alive. Technically it's 'save scumming' and while my enjoyment of the game up to that point didn't need it; My fulfillment of the game did need all the crew to survive the last mission for a happy ever after(Memphis Belle style rather than Space above and beyond). 

Getting them that far after so much effort and luck was good. I needed them to all survive the last mission. A very subjective thing but a challenge nonetheless that I wanted and needed to do and did. Granted the plane was shot to bits, two engines missing, the crew injured but alive...I got them all home.

I've since created another crew to mess about with rather than go back into the first save. Again that's a me thing.

Getting the campaign done was all I wanted from the game. But now that the main game is done I've an urge for more and the USAAF DLC is looking a lot more appealing than a second playthrough.

I can let this crew off into the sunset. I'll have to see about another in a B-17.

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