Monday 18 January 2021

Doom Eternal....

As much as I liked and enjoyed the first game(Doom 2016), I've not been back to it at all. Granted it was the single player that clicked with me over multiplayer and although I thought there was more replay value it never happened long-term. 

Doom Eternal is a game I have access to via Xbox game-pass for PC (Game-pass/Ultimate via Windows 10/Microsoft Store).

Seeing Doom Eternal in development I wasn't interested at news coming out never mind any form of being hyped. The 2016 version sated the demonic slaying FPS desire. However an element that I saw and really liked was the more neon loot explosion from glory killing enemies; And it is fun. A lot better and in your face than the 2016 version. 

Another element to the game, the Fortress of Doom; Is a great addition. The slayers home, what's not to like about that.

All the improvements and additions that Doom Eternal brings over the 2016 version are epic in scope and gameplay. The sound, music and visuals from enclosed spaces to grand vistas are visceral. 

Bigger and badder(in the good way) with a greater satisfaction to everything you do. It's faster paced and you need to be grabbing every demon close and burst them all. Glory kill ALL the things! Which does add to game-play but can be frustrating to farm(health, ammo and armour) adding a lot of micromanagement in 'robust' demon filled situations. 

I think Doom Eternal is an acquired taste.....

Enemies with specific target area's; A game-play mechanic that's a frustration to me. Makes me wonder how anyone can play the game with a controller. 

There's so much to balance, so much to jungle and keep in the air..... Including your character as he platforms. I'm not a big fan of the platforming elements, 2016 had some but Eternal seems to have a much more complex version implemented. That annoyed me. Almost reminding me of  Mirrors Edge levels of wall running/jumping/climbing with speed and style that just screams no to me in a Doom game.

The game is maybe overly complex on some of it's new elements....... Doom overkill.... Who knew such a thing might be a bad 'bad' thing.

 As good as the game is... It just does nothing for me.  If your into it, your into it. Gamer mood and interests change, for me this game isn't anything that 'makes' me want to play it. I'm probably missing out but I'm ok with that...... This time round.

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