Tuesday, 26 January 2021

STAR WARS Battlefront II....

Multiplayer in this game has lost it's sparkle for me. Which happened quicker than I expected. It can still have an awe factor just by being what it is. Yet nothing about the game modes 'does it for me', not in a long-term way. The visuals and soaring music scores can only do so much for so long. That brings me back around to the complaints I had before. Tactics go out the window when the overpowered ridiculousness of it all kicks in.

I've since completed both parts of the 'main' campaign.

I was happy with the main story and its ending but felt it was sullied by the jump in time for some recent trilogy tie-in blather. It's like the main story ending was stretched out and it's epilogue hijacked. Maybe that's just my dislike of the most recent trilogy of films coming though.

So after getting the ending cut-scene for the main campaign story, you get a blank screen 'decades later' then a splash loading screen with some minor text to say the journey goes on....in Multiplayer.... "Whatever".

Then you get the jump to the new time-frame setting of the aforementioned 'latest' film trilogy; For a much shorter 'quick', tidy things up 'campaign'. Which again(for the most part) does that job well.

Overall the campaign is good. Being the hero's of the original trilogy were perhaps the best parts, the comedy value from Han, Lando and the ever suffering character Shriv being the highlights.

I'm glad I didn't pay for the privilege; So maybe I shouldn't be to picky about it all. It may be a mile wide and an inch deep but it's a worthy Star Wars story.

Apparently 19 million people claimed the game; No wonder there was no shortage of multiplayer matches.

However the novelty has well worn off and there are other games to play.

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