Thursday 27 May 2021

Games with Gold....

The King's Bird.... Looks to be a game of interest for me. It's art style reminds me of the Abzu and Journey games. As does the gameplay; all about the journey, the challenge of the journey and the views. A platformer with a difference that appeals to me. With a side of Super Meatboy wall use without the blood.... I'll be giving a try and see if it clicks!

Shadows: Awakening.... While it looks like a great game visually I'm hesitant of all (serious(?)) isometric RPG's these days; Mainly because I was into Divinity:OS and quickly fell out of it just as hard. The RPG isometric straw that broke me. Shadows isn't as unique as it says it is but I'll give it a go and see for myself. If it clicks with me I'll give it more time. Even at that it's a stretch for me to try.

NeoGeo Battle Coliseum.... Seems to be a love it or loath it fighter. Given my loss of love for all fighting games I have no need for another.... Even a free one.

Injustice Gods Among Us....... A DC fighting game. A parallel universe with Superman as a Tyrant. Meh. Not a good follow up given what I thoughts of Battle Coliseum. I've just no interest in it, it's looks or premise.

Talk about a month of games that point out my changing gameplay wants and needs over time. 

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