Thursday 13 May 2021

Star Trek Online....

So much has and yet hasn't happened in STO since I last posted. Looking back on the old posts (March & April); My STO time proves the more things change the more they stay the same(for the most part). Be it on PC with a million alts or on Xbox with a handful.

Events have come and gone, dailies have been done and tweak's to ships and fits both space and ground have all been part of the process, all taken time but not really a thing to blog about in detail. So I'll waffle.

As much as the constant in game events are now an ongoing occurrence to be taken for granted; As much as they've gotten me to get back and play more and more of the game, I'm feeling a longterm burnout that I can't get out of. If I do 'miss' something I'll 'feel' that loss, so I persist. The game is as relentless as the Borg. The last while has been the first time I've felt like that with this game.

This is a time in Trek Online that reminds me of a time in WoW when PuG LFR's were done for 'welfare epics'. If everyone can have it then everyone is special and in turn making it all no longer special for anyone. If you do it you stay afloat, current,  if not you fall behind. Raise the bar that high and you hit a ceiling soon enough. STO has enough length, width and depth to make this kind of thing last a while for the general population. But like WoW, STO needs to cater to the elites as well, so I guess that explains the new ships and constant event/content to run them through. Still there are limits(?).


Events have come and gone, their dailies done and rewards claimed. I enjoyed the First Contact Day. The rocket building event is one I really like because it's 'just fun'.

The return of the Phoenix prize packs was good for claiming more upgrade tokens and with all the prize pack claiming I also got to get two Epic tokens. Every day is a good day with Grym. Those two tokens were spent on a Nandi Warship for my Ferengi alt.

And my main picked up the Kobali Samsar. Which I used with a best in inventory fit to run random TFO joyrides's til it's mastery was finished. Not a ship I'd use as it's turn rate feels like a beached whale but the console it comes with is  'nice'. Overall a good ship that I can't use well. It'll live in dry dock if/when if might get the TLC it deserves sometime in the future(maybe). 

(images here show it with the Romulan Vanity Shield)

The Red Alert events (two have come and gone) were taken advantage of. Maybe the first more than the second for reputation mark grinding. So much so that I stopped doing it on alts that really had no need of the marks let alone the reputation as they are parked as dilithium farmers 99.99% of the time.

Even on my Xbox main I've claimed the War Targ(which won't replace the Elachi Walker). Next event on that platform is 'soon'(as is the Phoenix prize and Red Alerts (Speak of the devil)). Which reminds me I'll 'have to' create 3 Delta characters on the Xbox and get them through the tutorial...... Just to have. By doing both the PC and Xbox versions of the game I've compounding my own longterm STO burnout fever. 

My new Delta recruits have been leveled/progressed a bit as has my KDF recruit. 

My Romulan Delta is partnered with my wife's version of Rom Delta; Which has proved yet again that I'm not as casual as I think I am with the game. Still I'm having fun and making progress. It's not like I don't have other characters/alts to be doing things on when joint gaming sessions can't be done.

Progress is progress, fun is fun. I've had and am having both on my Rom Delta.

Finally got that Delta charterer into the latest reward ship which I think'll be 'her ship' from here on in.

As for my KDF recruit, he's still ploughing through content.

His Receiver rewards are at a stage where it's taking a bit more time and effort to complete more parts.

Looking at whats left indicates I'll need to really use melee weapons on ground missions to get the 500, 1000 and 2500 npc 'kills'. Effort.

Getting the remaining 4 rewards from the 'Unforgettable' portion will take a lot of time and effort as it's taken so much already to get the first two claimed. At least each one works/counts towards the next.

More time than effort is needed for the episode arc completions for the 'Deeds worthy of song' section. Motivation is also a factor, as the arcs are so often repeated across alts for the same reasons. Delta's need them as much as KDF recruits for transponders/receivers rewards. Some of those arcs are long; But should also help with the melee combat side as well.

'Fight for glory' is the most 'doable' of the bunch. Space TFO's be it random or specific are a lot more casually repeatable as content goes.

Lots done, lots to do.

Still there's enjoyment in his over-sized nature, I get a laugh at his presence in cut-scenes. The more serious the scene the more funny it looks.

Some missions are more hilarious than others with him..... 

Like a certain rappelling mission, with each bound I can't help but say.....

I'm Batman!

I'm Batman!

I'm Batman!

I'm Batman!

The more things change the more they stay the same.

More broadly and with the 'Research is so easy' perspective of my wife, I've actually 'gotten into' doing some R&D. Aimed mainly at Quality upgrades. Sorely needed on my main never mind alts. All of which is proving 'interesting'. Makes me glad I've hoarded materials on mains and alts. R&D isn't all that bad once you 'get into it'. 3 slivers = 1 Shard, 3 Shards = 1 Fragment, 3 Fragments + dilithium = A Quality Tech upgrade. It's doable.

Mix in the Tech mark upgrades from the Phoenix store and it's a combination worth doing. Not that I've done a lot of it but in understanding it at least I now know. Which means I have the option to grind it out if it's 'worth it' case by case, item by item.

The journey does go on.....

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