Friday 7 May 2021

Democracy 4....

Democracy 4 builds on a franchise that has from one iteration to the next stayed the same at it's core and changed radically. Bit like the real world and politics; The more things change the more they stay the same(kinda, sorta, maybe). Of the democracy games I've played the third the most; From start, middle and many ends

As complex as it's systems are and as complicated as situations can get, Democracy is still an easy game to get into(once you start clicking). Easy to enter and hard to master effectively. 

While my game styles and needs have changed over the years I'm happy to 'just' potter about with it and 'enjoy' it today without getting bogged down in twisting it's intricacies into contortions of perfection. Which is a good thing. Be it Democracy 3 or 4 the games allow a player to take it as they want. Like a politician the games are a lot of different things to a lot of different people. At least Democracy delivers it's game-play promises(bad political pun). I've been and will be plinking away with this game for some time to come.

The game is still technically in Alpha and development has been ongoing. Not that as a player I've noticed it as an 'in development' title; It is 'done'. Nor do I need to know the dev work to enjoy it as it is. But I do like the questionnaire on the main screen asking about what to work on next(Nice interaction without being involved).

I've read a lot of negative comments that the game isn't a huge departure from 3. I beg to differ. 
Democracy 3 still holds up today even without any mods; but the changes within the framework that 4 brings is like upgrading to a new current year car, it's more efficient and streamlined in an official capacity. 4 doesn't alter what it gets right with the franchise but it brings so much more under the hood.

Anyway enough waffle from me... 

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