Tuesday 4 May 2021


While I still have my original disks and my original saves from both KOTOR games(which are still playable on modern systems); I did a thing! I bought both games for my GoG library. Not just because both games were cheap(€2.99 each) on sale for the day that's in it(May the 4th be with you!); But because having them in that library from a company that seems to be an archive as well as active caretaker is a good thing to have. An option for the future should my originals no longer work etc.

In the past I've bought Rome Total War a few times to 'keep' playing the game each time an operating system changed enough and left the old version of the game behind. Steam in that case seems to have saved the bacon there and now the remastered edition is fantastic. It also helps that recognition from Microsoft on compatibility overall for older software has improved, good things... The gaming goes on!

So yea I got both games on GoG(KOTOR / KOTOR II). Nice to have them run without hassle with more modern options for video resolutions etc. My old saves still work.

Dabbling with the games over the years I've not really blogged about them. They are large games I've done multiple playthroughs of. Although the second seems to have the broader range of character/saves covering many classes on all the light, dark and grey sides.

I'd go so far as to say you don't even need to be 'into' Star Wars to enjoy the games. 

Even today a lot of other games/franchises(Mass Effect) owe a lot to both of the games. Even the Mandalorian series has a lot from the games(which in turn has carried on canon). Canon does matter. Still, the Krayt dragons must be an endangered species at this stage!

As with most of the Star Wars games it's good to be evil; The dark side has cookies after all.

The light side ..... such goodie two shoes.... Each to their own playthrough's.......

Even better to be 'bad; in the second game tho!

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