Monday 10 May 2021

World of Tanks....

Xbox Version that is, not the PC version. As always my super casual take on the Xbox version.

With the games birthday/anniversary rewards of 'premium time' on top of two (I think it was two) further premium time rewards from the Xbox app(reward claim(app) of a reward claim(game)); I had about 10 days built up. It's been a while since I was in game so I decided to use them.

Getting back into the game was 'interesting' of a sort, over the last week or so. I've stuck with the WW2 side of the game as I've the most hours put in there. I did try out the new Cold War stuff but it's not for me. If it was I'd already be playing War Thunder.

The game has been updated and redesigned a few times over the last while. However this time I'm not feeling the play-ability. Things have been tweaked and changed too much. The game has changed from casual fun to "OMG War Thunder is really stealing players away, we have to do something". In doing that something they have lost the fun factor and game balance from the game(imho).
World of Tanks has changed dramatically since my last post about the game for sure.

For me the biggest change has been with the balance. There used to be a fighting chance as a Heavy Tank, you used to be able to take punishment. Survive-ability has sunk through the floor.

I used to love my Tiger tank. I was looking forward to working on the upgrading my Tiger II. Not any longer.

No fun means not sticking around in game just to be cannon fodder. The number of matches I've been in the last week where I've just started, get spotted 20 seconds into a match and am then a smoking wreck after one or two hits..... Sod that. 

I may have a lot of time put into the game but that was down to it being fun. I've no cash investment to keep me rolling with it. With the fun drained out I've no motivation to even finish off the remaining days of 'premium time'. Disappointed to say the least.

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